vi. heart to heart

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chapter six: heart to heart

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chapter six: heart to heart

There were many things Charlotte Wentworth never truly understood in life.

   She did not understand how women's only form of education was needling and knowing how to handle a man. She did not understand why birds had to be shot at for sport. She did not understand why she could not let her hair down during formal events. Furthermore, why she and so many others had to take so many hours on her hair every morning. There were so many more things her brain could barely hold.

   However, Charlotte was starting to understand what was beneath the cold, hard surface of Anthony Bridgerton. She knew all too well what it was like to lose a parent. She was only months away from her societal debut when the incident occurred. Her parents were on a voyage to Ireland to visit friends when the sea surrounding them became too rough to sail. And then the boat tipped. Charlotte and her siblings never saw their parents again.

   And though she did not know the story behind Edmund Bridgerton's passing, the pain that came with his death was clear for anyone to see. And it might be why Viscount Bridgerton was the way he was. Even the hardest of exteriors crack when trying to hold the world on their shoulders.

   The next day, Charlotte decided to have afternoon tea on her own, seeing as Amelia and Daniel were in the study with the viscount, his mother and Lady Danbury. As much as she wanted to be in there for support, she knew Amelia would not want her there. So in the meantime, Charlotte would surround herself with tea, biscuits and her thoughts. Lovely.

   Taking a small sip of the English tea she was forcing herself to like, Charlotte looked up at the double doors at the sound of someone walking through them suddenly.

Eloise Bridgerton faltered in her step with her book in her hand, not expecting anyone to be out there, but smiled at the older woman nonetheless, "you must not let the game of pall-mall dismay you. Antagonism is, I'm afraid, what you must expect."

The Wentworth chuckled warmly at the words, putting her cup of tea back on the table in front of her as Eloise took a seat a few feet away from where she was. For a few moments, Charlotte could not help but observe the younger girl who was already entranced by the words on the pages in front of her. In a way, Eloise reminded her of herself when she was her age. Before she was married. Before she was stripped of what made her... her.

"Can I ask you something, Miss Eloise?"

The Bridgerton shut her book in an instant, "did I purposely make the third wicket two inches narrower than last year? Yes I did... You can ask me anything."

✓ War of Hearts ━━ Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now