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Of course, I have a set of rules you must follow if you wish to roleplay.

1. You must sumbit a form and wait to be accepted if you wish to play an oc. If you wish to just play canon characters just ask to roleplay and tell me which character /characters you will be playing.

2. I am under no obligation to roleplay with you or accept your oc. If I don't accept your oc or do not wish to roleplay with you for any reason, please don't insist, get upset, or attempt to guilt trip me into roleplaying with you anyways. All you will succeed in doing is making sure I don't roleplay with you in future. If I don't accept your oc, if you want to know why I will provide reasons.

3.All ocs must be 18+ (preferably 20+ since most of the main characters are mid 20s- 30s with the exception of one centuries old immortal) unless for specific reason (ie. Flashbacks, time the rp is set in, etc). There may be some wiggle room with this rule but I will not accept child characters.

4. No bullying. I won't tolerate any kind of rudeness towards me or any other user in this book. If you do I will be deleting your comments and will not be role-playing with you.

5. No discrimination of any kind (homophobia, racism, ablism, etc.)

6. You must submit a form in (preferably) 1 comment. Don't spread it out across individual comments in each category. It's incredibly annoying and hard to understand when people do this. I will remind you of this rule once and delete your comments if you do. Its perfectly fine to carry on in a second or third comment if your form exceeds the character limit but otherwise, keep it to 1 singular comment.

7. Password: your favourite character.

8. yes you may tag, I'd just prefer it if you asked first.

9. Yes you may swear, I don't mind cursing at all. You may censor it if you wish but I won't enforce it as I personally don't. Just don't swear constantly obviously.

10. You must be able to play some of the Canon characters. I will not be playing every single other character with you only playing your oc. It's just not fun for me and I will get frustrated and bored very quickly.

11. Only tag me if I don't respond after 24 hours. There's a chance I didn't see your comment, saw it and meant to respond but got distracted and forgot, saw your comment and thought I responded but didn't but 9/10 I'm just busy. I do have a life outside of wattpad and am not online all the time.

12. If you loose interest in a roleplay please let me know.

13. Try to remember the time frame the show is set in (2006-2011) but obviously there is some wiggle room because time travel is a thing :)

14. If your oc has a crush on another character I will play said character for you but I also will expect you to play other characters for my chosen character to interact with as it makes it a little more fair.

15. Stuff like character sickness, injuries, blood, gore, and death are allowed as long as it is cleared with me first. I'm a big fan of angst so go nuts as long as you ask first! There's a lot of that stuff in Torchwood anyways so I don't mind at all!

16. I will not do smut.

17. I can do ships (my favourite is Jack x Ianto) but its not mandatory

17. Please be descriptive and write in third person.

18.Have fun!

If you have any questions, suggestions or requests feel free to ask me about it!

As a side note: I don't have a Torchwood oc of my own and personally prefer to play canon characters, though I don't mind other using their ocs! I'd prefer and be most comfortable with playing Ianto,  Toshiko and possibly Gwen but will be open to playing most other characters+side characters if you want!

Torchwood Roleplay [OPEN]Where stories live. Discover now