Episode I

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The sun seemed almost blinding. A fly buzzed near her ear. Brilliant flicked it to dismiss the irritating annoyance. "Sisters, divide." The order came from Hope. The queen of their pride. Terror's mate. But every Sister knew she was just scared to back down from him. The pride was made up of eight lions. Terror and all of the Sisters. Hope, Elegant, Brilliant, Mischief, Keen, Brazen Cunning and Terror. Brilliant didn't like the thought of Terror thinking all of the lionesses were his pawns. But it wasn't in her paws. The snorts of the wildebeest sharpened her thoughts to the hunt. Her tail flicked slowly as she crouched lower in the savannah grass.

A loud growl ripped from her fellow Sister's throat. Brilliant recognized every one of their voices. It was Keen. The quick and light-pawed lion was not one to be underestimated. Thundering hooves sent vibrations through the ground, making Brilliant's muscles tense. Three, two, one! With a mighty snarl, she leaped with her claws unsheathed and landed onto the shoulder of a panicked wildebeest.

The animal let out an alarmed grunt and started thrashing. Growls of defiance came from her Sisters as they jumped onto the wildebeest. Hope flashed from the corner of her vision and jumped for the throat. Anxiety for her Sister thrummed through her. Under a wildebeest was a lethal position. But when the animal's knees folded, she knew Hope had won. The lionesses jumped as it crashed down, eyes glazed in death. "Great hunt!" Her own grumbling stomach was echoed by her Sisters. But no one ate before their leader. However, her appetite had built up after the hunt. Terror isn't here...surely a bite can't hurt... They all exchanged a look. Brilliant's hunger took over her mind and she bent down for a bite. The meat had barely sunk it's flavor on her salivating tongue when a feral snarl interrupted her. Thudding paw steps came from behind her.

Terror's lips pulled over his teeth to reveal sharp fangs. "How dare you eat before me?!" His chest rumbled as growl after growl rippled through. Brilliant cowered, ears flattened back as his tail lashed from side to side. Terror's huge paw rose and the force he slammed her in the cheek with sent her staggering. "No one eats before me!" he roared, jumping at her with outstretched paws. Brilliant flinched back. Her Sisters watched in horror, their faces scared and helpless.

"S-sorry," muttered Brilliant.

"What was that?" he sneered.

"I'm sorry."

"As you should be. You shall not eat from this hunt as your punishment." Her head snapped up, golden eyes glowing with shock.

We did all the hunting and you get to eat first? "But—"

"Silence!" Terror thundered, his voice making her tail tremble. Mischief, her mother-shared littermate, cast a look of weariness at her. Brilliant dipped her head in acceptance.

Terror started to drag the dead prey back to their territory. Brilliant felt her stomach protest for food. "I'll give you part of my share," whispered Mischief. The lioness that she shared a mother with was too kind for her own good. Terror would surely punish her if he caught her sharing.

Brilliant rumbled a purr. "Thank you." Keen bounded back over to them, her belly swaying as she slowed to a trot. The dark tawny lioness was unusually chubby. Brilliant shrugged the thought out of her mind.

"Terror sure was in a mood." She mused.

Brilliant snorted, "You could say that again."

Mischief looked concerned. "Does your cheek still hurt?"

"I'll be fine," she growled. "Terror just puts on a show."

Keen stood on her hind legs and stretched against a tree. Her claws caught in the bark as she scratched it. Her belly poked out as she did so. Maybe she ate some bad meat. It looked bloated. "Did you eat spoil-meat?"

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