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Highschool, no one likes Highschool, but I you asked Thomas Simon why he would tell you it's because his family moves too much.

Every year he was in a new school, different from the last. Sometimes it wasn't even a whole year, like one year he move six times. It wasn't his fault his Father had a job that made them move.

As much as he hated it, he was promised is freshman year they would buy a house and stay. So when that day came. Well let's just say he was excited.

Not about the school, but because maybe hecouldmake friends and keep them. He's never really been able to do that. But this year was going to be different, he was going to make friends and get all A's like normal, except he wasn't moving this time, and so next year he'd have the same friends and the same A's.

Don't get him wrong, he loved being able to fly around the world, and see places other kids couldn't. Like this one time he spent six months on in island in Fiji. It was so cool, the waterfalls were amazing,not to mention he swam everyday.

Or this other time when he spent two months in Hawaii, he found out he like surfering, and his Mother even got him his own surfboard that Christmas.

He found himself driving around Brighton, a city in the United Kingdom. It was pretty, and the beaches of rocks were cool. Don't get him wrong he's seen beaches so white it looked like snow.

When his mother parked the car in the driveway of there new house he jumped out so quickly, it made his dad laugh. "What do you think honey?" His Mother asked. "Honestly" Tommy paused. "I think I'll like it here"

His Mother smiled. The neighbor kid didn't take long to come over him and his two brothers lived right next door. "Hello!" The boy greeted. "My Mother told me to welcome you to the neighborhood! So I made cookies!"

The boys giggled. "Well how nice" Ms. Simon said. "Welcome to the neighborhood, I hope you'll stay. I'm Tubbo, and the boys playing over there with the football.. those are my brothers Sapnap and Sam, and my Mother Faith of couse"

"Tommy" Tommy greeted putting his left hand out, Tubbo was quick to take his hand in. "Where are you from?" Tubbo asked. "Everywhere.. I've seen places most people can't see.." Tubbo was fascinated. "Cool! What wasyour favorite place?!"

The boys sat in the yard and talked till sundown. "Bye!" Tubbo waved Tommy waving back. It wasn't even his first day here and he already made a friend.

Tubbo closed his front door taking off his shoes. "Mom! Guess what?" Tubbo said walking into the kitchen where his Mother and Brothers were eating dinner. "Sorry Mother I'm late I was too busy getting it on with the neighbor boy~" Sapnap mocked.

"I was not!" Tubbo yelled. "Just sit, tell me what you wanted honey" his Mother said as he sat down. "The neighbors have lived all around the world, Tommy.. their son he told me that he's been to Fiji! And Hawaii! Oh! And his place in Madagascar..."

The other boys seemed interested now. "And he's going to our school-- well his parents were going to send him to that private school instead but he didn't want to go there, also this is his first year he get to go to a school!"

Ms. Smith smiled as her son ranted on and on about this places and the pictures that Tommy showed him. "Oh! And the best part mom is, he has a dog and a monkey" Sapnap gave a chuckle.

"A monkey?" Sam asked. "Yea! His name is kite.. I'm not sure why though.. and his dogs name is clementine" Tubbo said as he ate some food off his plate. "I'm still curious of why he has a monkey, like don't monkeys get big and dangerous?" Sam asked.

Tubbo laughed. "Not finger monkeys honey, alot of people own them, they tend to take to one person, that's why most people how buy them only have one child" Ms. Smith said.

"Oh, mom! So I forgot to tell you, we have this new class.. fucken-- sorry! Anyways it's the home and health class? I'm not sure anyways you have to sign a form" Sam nodded alongside what Sapnap had to say. "Alright put them on the table.."

Meanwhile after dinner; Sapnap and Sam were at there little club house with a couple of friends, randomly talking about shit. "Oh yea.. remember Old Man Wilson's house? Someone moved in there" Sam said after a moment of silence.

Which caught everyone's attention. "And I take it they have a son, and that why Tubbo isn't here?" Techno said. "Dude, their like rich, rich.. they've never stayed in a house before, Tubbo was tell us about the pictures Tommy was showing him, that boy has been everywhere" Sapnap joined.

"Yea, now Tubbo want to go to Fiji after see the pictures Tommy has.. apparently it's his dream to just settle down and go to a public school" Sam said. "What kind of dream is that?" Niki said.

"Well if what you say is true, he's moved his whole life, I'm sure he just want to feel normal" Wilbur spoke up. It was this first time that day he had talked. "Oh, and I saw Sally go up to greet him.. she seem flirty.." Sam said not really taking notice to Wilbur's face.

"He's stealing your girl" Clay popped in looking to Wilbur. "You mean Jared's girl" Wilbur said. "Oh, right.. can I go back to hating her now?" Clay asked looking to Wilbur. "Why the fuck do I care?" Wilbur said.

"Wilbur, I know break ups are hard, especially when your cheated on, but maybe this is a sign to start going after the boy you like instead of trying to be straight.." Niki said to her brother.

"I don't even like a boy" he said back to her. "I don't know, this Taylor guy seems to be your new favorite" she teased. "Me and Taylor are just friends" Wilbur said now getting annoyed. "We've heard that before" Techno said.

"Just like your were 'just friends' with Sally" Techno said. "Can you stop, we are.. he asked me out three days ago and I told him I wasn't really into guys.." Wilbur said. The room went silent.

"Tech!" Tubbo's voice hit the room hard. Techno looked at the boy as he came in. "What?" He asked as Tubbo sat down in his lap. "Your dad knows like a bunch of famous people because you walk the red carpet--"

Techno gave a disapproving look. "Sorry" he said before continuing. "Anyways do you know a guy named David Simon?" Techno tilted his head to the side. "Yea.. he's kinda known for exploring places with his family" Techno said.

"Is this his family?" Tubbo lifted up his phone for him to see. "Well I would assume, because that definitely him.." Techno said. "Dude the kid in that picture is Tommy, he's are new neighbor" Techno chuckled.

"Techy when we get married, for our honeymoon can we go to Fiji?" Tubbo asked looking up at the boy. "We'll see if we can even make it that far.." Techno chuckled. "But sure" Techno continued, Tubbo smiled.

"Stop being so cute! Sam will punch you" Niki said, Sam pointing at Niki, in agreement of her statement.

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