I watched clone wars animated show and episodes 1-9, so this fanfic will be written based on that. Some scenes will be similar to the original show.

The first scene opens with inquisitor spaceship on Tatooine, as the inquisitors walk out of the ship, they walk towards the food plaza, there are three of them first is grand inquisitors, second one is Fifth brother, and a last inquisitor named Fourteenth sister, Reva Sevander in this case is a jedi, inquisitors are looking for. The grand inquisitor says "key to hunting jedi is patience" and continues as Reva interrupts him, she mocks him by saying "shut it fat face!" and continues "I am trying to sleep here" as grand inquisitor looks at her and ignites his lightsaber, Reva then gets up raising both her hands to the side of her hood, pushing it back just a little, revealing her face as she says "oh you want to go that way, I'm in" she then lifts up a table with force, as everybody else starts running, as she then throws the table with the intent of distracting the grand inquisitor, he cuts that in half as Reva follows and kicks him as he falls on the ground dropping his lightsaber and reva says she will take that, while picking up the lightsaber and fights the other two inquisitors with that showing her skills, Fourteenth sister uses double bladed lightsaber, using offensive forms of lightsaber as Reva uses defensive forms, all three ends up on a terrace, the grand inquisitor climb the stairs towards reva, as he takes half of the lightsaber from fourteenth sister and starts fighting reva. Three inquisitors against reva, as reva defends and skilfully attacks, while separating each of them using force and fighting individually, making fifth brother fall off terrace, cuts fourteenth sister's hand with lightsaber and makes grand inquisitor fall on the ground. As she starts running, she then says "here" while throwing grand inquisitor's lightsaber and jumps off the terrace, landing safely from the first floor and starts running away, grand inquisitor says "we have a troublesome one, lets report it to lord vader"

We see Kenobi slicing meat, as he uses transport for the town and then returns to his cave with Eopie as he eats and sleeps as he leaves the toy outside of lar's homestead and we see him sleeping having dreams about leaving Anakin as he wakes up asks quigon for help but gets no answer. Then we see obi wan cutting meat and going to his Eopie, while owen comes and throws the toy obi wan left and they have an argument about luke's training, as owen says he doesn't have to worry about him. The argument becomes tense and owen voice becomes so loud that nearby people start to gather as Reva sees the commotion and head towards it as she sees Kenobi and says to herself, she found master Kenobi, as she covers her mouth, crying while being happy. As she raises both her hands saying "yes" while people around her look at her, as she blushes and simmers down. Both owen and Kenobi stops talking and move away from that place, reva notices Kenobi is leaving, she follows him. As kenobi reaches the cave he lives in, we see reva is hiding in the corner behind a rock and Kenobi gets off the Eopie. We then see her breathing heavily the as we transition to young reva breathing heavily in the room with many other children, as one youngling says "it's alright, if we stay here, we'll be safe" while reva looks at him, suddenly Anakin enter the room, the time when he is about to kill youngling during order 66, a child gets up and ask "there are too many of them what are we going to do" and we see Anakin cutting his head off, other younglings scream and they starts running out of the room, we see Anakin starts to chop as many as he could in his path, as younglings cry and escape the room, as we then see outside, clone troopers shooting jedi and there is chaos, Anakin moves out of the room and follows them, as some jedi sees those younglings in the hallway and start battling Anakin, while one jedi knight directs all the younglings to safety and asks to follow him, and then we see reva, she drags the other two youngling in a corner beside her as she says "we cannot trust anyone" and continues "Master Anakin is killed them, what if other jedi master lure us into a trap" both of the youngling agree. All the other younglings follow jedi knight and those three find the other way and reva say to hide behind this passage, while they hide in the corner, we see two clone trooper passing by as those three are trembling in fear and reva says "it's all right, we will move when everything settles down" and then they hear that there is no noise of blaster or sabers they get out of the secret passage, as they see there is fire on the jedi temple they quickly rush towards the highest point of the temple as they see the whole temple is on fire below as there are no clone trooper, not a single transport ships, suddenly a flying transport with a jedi master appears "get in, all three you" as all three looks scared, reva says that she can't trust him, the other two convince her that they don't have a choice as the fire is reaching near them, they all hop on the transport, the jedi master name is gordon. gordon says "I know all of you are scared, but trust me, nobody anticipated this to happen, so trust me, I will take you to safety, you should hear this" and plays the message "this is master obi wan kenobi, i regret to inform that both republic and jedi order have fallen...." , other two youngling are named sam and alex, sam asks to gordon "what is new hope master kenobi is talking about" but gordon stays silent, they reach a planet and gordon drops them on a jungle, he says "here carry the bag behind me, they contain supplies for surviving , sam asks aren't you coming with us, gordon says that he has to help others like them and tells them to wait for two days here, he will be back and give a permanent place for them to live. he then goes away as reva says she still doesn't trust them and tells sam and alex to not eat the food, as we see sam eating the rations, as reva says "are you even listening" as alex see them and starts eating too as reva stomach starts growling, she stays persistent, but the other two forcefully feeds her, The children wait for three days as sam stomach starts growling, reva says that they can't stay here or else they will starve to death. They then enter a town nearby they see shops and ship repair section, then they see a small lounge and asks the owner for place the owner says no, but then reva threatens him and starts punching him, tying both hands with a rope, alex says reva to stop, as he thinks of other way before the lounge management or any robot sees them, as sam whispers something into his ear, as then alex puts his hand on his head and smiles and says "we know you are not paying tax to the republic, and tax evading is crime, my father is a senator, he will shut down your lounge if he finds out" and asks if owner allows them to stay he won't inform the authorities and as reva interrupts "also we won't be staying for free we will do you household chores" as alex says "hey", sam says "we are not bad people, we are just in a bit of a pinch, let us stay for few days" as then owner say to let go and says he will cooperate, as a robot arrives and asks if anything wrong the owner says "it nothing, go do your work" as the robot walks. Alex thinks about it and then agrees as they start living there, then stays in owner's house which is near the lounge. a week passed, all three regularly visits the forest once every day at night taking turns waiting for master Gordon to arrive and other two wait at the house as reva is sleeping outside on a wooden balcony as she sees the stars throwing ball and catching it and sam is sitting idly, waiting for alex, as reva asks "why is he taking so long?" as they hear blaster shooting noises as they take a look that a commander of a ship has alex tied up, he is unconscious, and kept on top of the a ship with many officers and clone troopers, it has bright lights on alex, as a higher rank officer says "there are other younglings here, if anyone knows about them tell us, the empire will give you reward" as we see reva and sam are watching them from far away as they see alex, reva says, "pack your things , we are leaving there are lots of credits in his safe on first floor, we will use that money to travel a remote area or ask someone to help us escape" as sam asks, "what about alex" as reva says "its my fault he got caught, if I never said about taking turns, he would still be with us, but I believe he will think of this as his sacrifice for us, so we must respect that and escape, if we get caught with him, he will think of his sacrifice as a waste" as sam says that he doesn't agree and he wants to save alex. Reva then says that "we will use those credits to find someone to help him, but if we stay here any longer, it will be more trouble for both of us" as sam agrees and they both leave. As they leave sam see from a far distance 2 figures in hood as reva turns to him he sees reva's face as he seems loss of words and he cannot speak. as they both start running and reaches a nearby hangar but there are clone troopers guarding it. reva calls a clone trooper for help, then he is pulled in dark then he comes out wobbly as sam is on the bottom with robot legs for below the kneews and reva is on top wearing a clone trooper armour disguising as one of them, the other clone trooper ask "aren't you too tall for a clone "he does some funny wobbly and then starters entering the transport ship which will leave for the next planet. The other clone stops the wobbly clone, asking where he was going as he backs him down, and says "the order from commander was specific to guard the ship and check identity of every passenger who is travelling" as the wobbly clone stay in formation as he then asks, he wants to go for nature's call the other trooper who is captain gives permission, as he is about to enter the ship. Every clone receives a transmission that they have found six younglings as the wobbly clone is dragged by the captain clone as he says to hurry as they arrive at a speeder and everybody leaves as reva says in clone voice the nature call is urgent, the other clone says you can do that later we found six of them, then all the others go out of the port while riding on their speeders and then wobbly clone is on it too and as he is about to enter the forest reva stops and removes the helmet "argh this is suffocating, how do they even breathe in this, come on let's go back sam, escape this planet while we can" while sam says that he has been doing everything reva says, he say that not now he will do what he feels right and sam says that being with those other youngling and helping them is a right choice, as sam and reva have an argument as reva says "I cannot follow them, what if I get killed, look at me I am just a child, powerless, you want me to get killed by those clone troopers" sam says "if we stay together then we can have higher chance of surviving, come with me we will help those younglings and live together, train together, the more the merrier" reva says "Then I want to see how long last together fighting the empire, until those trooper hunts you" sam says "reva come with me and we will find a way out of here, there is no point in staying alone" reva says "I see, I shouldn't have trusted both of you, and left both of you when I had the chance, I should have taken my own way, even now I'm wasting time arguing with you, all I see is my way out of this is that transport ship behind me" as the ship fires up and all the remaining passengers are running. reva says "this is you last chance to come with me" sam says "I would say the same to you as well" as reva runs away to the ship and sam hears the voice form the helmet "they are in north, they have lightsabers, be careful" as he uses robot legs to paddle the speeder takes his speeder away sadly while we see reva entering the transport ship.

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