waking up

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You slowly open your eyes, you feel grogy. The floor is damp and cold. When you regain your swnses you notice a tv with a power button. You press the button and pickle rick apears on the screen. "Sorry to say this, but you parents have sold you off to me, *burps* now I will fill you with gass for my experiments," he says in a minical tone. You start to scream and cry as gree gas starts fillinh the room and the sound of Pickle Ricks burps get louder. The smell is nauseating. You can bearly stay conscious. You start to vomit and poop your self as morty comes in the room and laughs at your dumb stupid face. How will you get out of here? Why is this happening to you? Morty throws a note on the ground. You herry and open it. When you open it you sre filled with shock and dismay. Its only a picture of jerma doing the dus face. On the back are the numbers 420 69. WHAT COULD THIS MEAN? You collapse, unable to comprehend what happened. When you awake, you see a man hunched over a table.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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