Cozy Fires and Winter Fun

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"Hey, Steph" Matt spoke with a small grin as he walked into the living room, "Go get dressed and meet me in the car. We're going out"

"Really?" Stephanie asked, tilting her head in confusion, "It's like 30 degrees outside, not to mention it's snowing"

"I know" was all Matt said before walking off, heading outside to the car.

With a small, amused shake of her head, Steph turned off the TV before getting up to go and get dressed.

"Where are we going?" The brunette female asked as she got into the passenger seat, shutting the door before buckling her seatbelt.

"You'll see" Matt replied, giving a small smirk as he started the car before backing out of the driveway.

Eventually, Stephanie felt the car come to a stop. Looking up, Stephanie saw that they were at an indoor ice skating rink. "Ice skating?" She asked.

"Mhm" The brunette male nodded, "Why not?" he shrugged, giving a small smile.

Letting out a soft giggle, Stephanie unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car, Matt doing the same. Walking inside, the couple went up and got their skates before going to put them on.

"Hopefully I won't fall this time" Steph spoke with a tiny grin.

"You won't" Matt replied, "And if you do, I'll be there to catch you" he added with a smile.

With that, both Matt and Steph made their way onto the ice. It took a few minutes for Steph to get her balance but once she did, she took off, skating across the ice with a wide grin on her face.

Matt watched her for a moment before following her, quickly catching up to her as she did a pirouette, "woah" Matt murmured, "I didn't know you could do that"

"Honestly, I didn't either" Steph replied, "It was a risk I took and it ended up going well" She added with a giggle.

"Fair enough," Matt chuckled. He then gently took her hand, "c'mon" with that he took off, gently pulling Stephanie along with him.

After about thirty minutes, the couple were spinning around, Matt keeping hold of Stephanie's hands as they did so. Stephanie soon lost her footing and fell backwards, pulling Matt down with her.

Landing with a small grunt, the brunette female looked up to find her husband on top of her. The couple both looked at each other for a moment before laughing. Matt then rolled to the side so that Steph could sit up.

"You ok?" he asked, glancing over at her.

"Yea, I'm fine" Steph smiled, "what about you?"

"I'm fine"

"I think that's our cue to stop skating" Steph giggled.

"Yea, I think so too" Matt grinned as he stood up before offering a hand to help Stephanie.

The brunette female took his hand, letting herself be hauled to her feet, She then followed Matt off the ice to return the skates.

Once the couple was back outside, Matt opened the door for Steph, who smiled in gratitude, "Thank you"

"Of course" Matt grinned, closing the door once Steph was settled. He then went around and got into the driver's seat.

Eventually, the couple arrived home. Getting out of the car, Steph went up to unlock the door only to yelp in surprise as she felt something hit her back. Turning around, she saw Matt with a snowball in his hand and a smirk on his face.

"Oh it's on, Patrick" She smirked before grabbing a handful of snow before packing it into a ball. She then threw it at her husband, who easily dodged it.

Matt then threw his second snowball at his wife, smirking as it hit her in the arm, "HA!" he laughed.

That laughter was soon cut off as he got a facefull of snow. Letting out a small gasp of surprise, Matt wiped the snow away before running at Steph with a smirk, "Get back here" he smirked

Steph let out a small squeal as she took off towards the backyard, laughing as she ran. She then cursed as she found that the gate was locked. Turning around, she gasped as she was met a facefull of snow.

"Now you know how it feels" Matt chuckled. Wiping the snow out of her eyes, Steph ran and jumped onto her husband's back, causing him to let out a grunt of surprise.

"Really, snowbunny?" Matt asked, smirking slightly at the nickname.

"Yes re-" Steph paused, "did you just call me snowbunny?" She asked.

"Maybe" was all Matt replied with before taking off in a sprint, causing Stephanie to yelp, her grip on her husband tightening so she wouldn't fall off.

Eventually, after what felt like an hour of messing around and having fun in the snow, both Matt and Steph decided to head inside. "You want some hot chocolate?" Matt asked as he shut the door behind them.

"Yea sure" Steph nodded as she took off her coat. Once Matt took off his coat and shoes, he went to the kitchen to make both of them a cup of hot chocolate.

The night ended with Matt and Steph snuggling on the couch with the fireplace on while they watched Christmas movies, each with a cup of hot chocolate in their hands.

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