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I'm just going to fair warn you guys that this entire fanfic is a self insert and if you don't feel comfortable with it then I would cutely advise that you get off this story and read one of my other stories I have on my page.

Most of what will be here are random scenarios I have come up with in my head and they vary between sfw and nsfw so to be on the safe side DO NOT proceed if you are under the age of 16.

The reason I say 16 is because by that age you are learning about the reproductive/reproduction system in biology so you will hear about the funi  multiple times and I guarantee you some of y'all have seen "hentea" when you shouldn't have :)

Have fun reading my story and let me know your thoughts about it 🙂

Edit as of chapter 5: I will now be adding names for dialogue with the exception of the main character. Thank you for understanding <3

~ Alice Phantomhive (Author)

Thanks! ~ Alice Phantomhive (Author)

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Kaeya × Alice | Genshin Impact FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ