Rules :D

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Yep there's rules to join and you have to fill out a form

Rules 4 superior:
•You have to ride (No riding once don't count)

•You have to atkeast know what tf we talking abt

•You DO NOT have to own a horse just be able to ride :)

•You have to attend our yearly Christmas party on the 23rd at 10:30-12:30 EST

•You can't be snobby, rude, disrespectful

•You have to be uplifting, nice, willing to help beginners with tips tricks and techniques for their next show!

Superior form:
Whats your name?

What do you ride?

Sport (Barrel, poles, dressage, etc.)?

Do you have a horse?

Do you ride at a yard?

How often do you ride?

Do you do 4-H?

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