Chapter 1

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Two years following the earthquake that almost destroyed Hawkins, house prices, unsurprisingly, were at an all time low. Many former residents had upped and left and vowed never to return, stating that the town was cursed.

The government had created a super affordable rent-to-buy initiative to bring in more people from the surrounding areas and you'd jumped at the chance to own your own place, even if it was a single story one bed.

You'd declared to your family that you didn't believe in "curses" and had packed up your life in Ohio and set off for your new one in Indiana.

8 months in, you had a nice job at a diner and a small, but close group of friends. Robin Buckley was the first person to speak to you when you'd arrived in the town. She was loud and over-the-top but you liked her instantly.

She'd introduced you to her best friend Steve Harrington and his housemate Eddie Munson. The four of you just clicked.

Your job at the diner was pretty mundane but it was directly opposite Family Video where Robin & Steve worked AND was just around the corner from Mike's Music, where Eddie was the assistant manager, so they'd often come in for lunch.

The week had dragged, but Friday had finally arrived. It was your favourite day of the week as the four of you would gather either at yours or Steve and Eddie's for pizza, a movie and beers, every Friday, without fail.

You were just hanging up your apron as Eddie walked through the door.

"Hey Sweetheart!" He grinned. "Ready to go?"

"Hi Eds! Yep! Just gotta grab my stuff."

You heard Eddie making small-talk with the head waitress, Maggie as you shrugged on your leather jacket, chuckling to yourself because he was terrible at it.

"See you Monday, Mags!" You yelled to the older lady behind the counter as you skipped through the door which Eddie, ever the gentleman, held open for you.

"I believe it's your pick this week, isn't it?" You said, interlinking your arm with Eddie's as you crossed the road over to the video store.

"I do believe it is!" He replied theatrically.

"As long as it isn't Killer Clowns from Outer Space, I don't care what you choose! I fucking hate those creepy-ass clowns!"

"Damn, that was gonna be my choice!" He said with a mischievous smirk, which he soon lost when you jabbed him playfully in the ribs with your free hand.

"Harrington!" Eddie chimed in sing-song as he strode through the doors of Family Video, giving Steve's customer a small fright.

"Ooops! Sorry, ma'am!" Eddie apologised with a soft chuckle as Steve shot him a look.

The customer muttered something under her breath as she pushed past Eddie and almost collided with you on her way out of the door.

"Mrs McClasky!" Steve yelled after her. "You forgot your tape." He finished flatly, knowing that she couldn't hear him. "Fucking hell Eddie! You're gonna scare away all the customers!"

"Sorry Stevie" Eddie pouted.

Steve rolled his eyes. "You're a fucking pain in the ass Munson, you know that, don't you?" He playfully scolded.

Eddie grinned but said nothing.

Steve rolled his eyes again.

"Hi!" He said to you in a much cheerier tone.

"Hey Steve, where's Robin?" You enquired looking around the shop for her.

"She called in sick, stomach flu or something, she managed to give me waaaaaay too many details about it between bouts of vomiting".

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