The Running Plague

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  Nai and Say were running down the hall to make it class, as they were incredibly late.
Say was on a role, running down the hall no looking back. That was until she stopped hearing footsteps running with her.

She had turned around towards Nai to see her staring into a classroom.
Say had sighed and started walking towards her friend.

She peared into the classroom to see a room full of tarantulas.

Say- What. Is. That?

Nai- Spiders....

The girls ran down the hall and that's when they heard laughing from the stairwell. The  boys Jay, Ray and Tim pushed past the girls while running for their lives. Behind them was an angry principal. The girls followed behind them trying to make it to the stairs.

The group ran down the hall before hiding in the storage room. They locked the doors and ducked down so they wouldn't be seen from the small window. Nai kicked Jay with her foot. He looked up and raised both of his eyebrows at the girls. Say pointed to her friend and layed her head against the wall.

Jay: What?

Nai: What the hell was that?

Ray: Jay bought spiders from Tim and put them in the lab.

Say laughed causing Nai to look at her and punch her shoulder. Loud booming stomps came rushing down the hallway. Then they heard the voice of Kayden, the snitch. They all rolled their eyes as the door opened up.

"FOUND YA!" said the principal.

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