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"Dumbass keep running!"said by a man with a thick British accent.

"Stop shouting and actually do something you doofus!" Said by a running woman who looks like she lost her sense of sanity.

If you're wondering what's happening. Let me tell you a short recap. Just a one man and woman going about their day just like usual robbing some stores when suddenly a big bank opened and nobody still robbed it. It was a little bit unusual to happen at Los Santos. That's why the man thought that they should take this opportunity and start doing something big. But the woman disagreed and told him that they were not ready.

The man replied "When are we gonna be ready then?"

The woman couldn't reply and just gave up and agreed to the man.

And back to where we are.

"I knew I shouldn't have been swayed by your nonsense talk!"

"Hey! Don't pin this all on me . We both talked about this and you agreed!"


The man knows that his partner isn't in the right mind right now so he has to stay calm and think about something. He looked around while running and being chased by the sirens.

"Randy! Let's go up, I know there's a helicopter there!"


I guess I underestimated her too much. He thought

We ran all the way to the roof and saw a helicopter. But I also saw a bunch of suspicious looking men.

"Randall steal the helicopter!"

"I can't leave you raven-"

They both use they're criminal names so that no one can identified they're real identity.

"Stupid! Do you think I let you leave me? I will make a way for you so take it fool."

"Hee, Alright whatever you say my lady."

He started to run but the two men suddenly stopped him from going in the helicopter. When a shot was suddenly heard from his back.

"Go!" Said by the woman with her pistol out.

"Thanks, I knew you had my back." He smirk and started to ran off.

He continued to run and the men just kept coming but just like what happened Ray got his back. She ran while firing shots at the men who were in his way.

Randy saw someone trying to start the helicopter but he couldn't let Ray be disappointed at him. He jumped at the window and pushed the man but he was much stronger than he expected.

"Well shit. This wasn't what I thought would happened-"

The unknown man suddenly screamed and tried to attack Randy but luckily he stopped it.

"Ay chill no need to use violence!"

They fought while Ray started to move from her position and went straight at the helicopter.

While running a shot landed on her shoulder.

"Aackk! Fucking bastards."

"Raven! You good!?"

"Clearly not! Finish your fight at this instant and let us go!"

She kept running and Randy finally pushed the man out of the helicopter.

He started the helicopter and grabbed the steering wheel.

The Lady entered "Let's go!"

"No need to tell me that!"

Yet again we barely survived another day.

Time skipped.

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