Fatal mistake

24 17 4

The green-haired guy walked into the cafe and took the harpoon from his shoulder. He, like the owner himself, was stained with liquids of different colors and consistencies. Jamie returned from hunting. Today was a busy day like never before: we spent time in the swamp, the beach, and even on the Lagoon, where drones usually don't fly often. More precisely, they fly, but someone constantly shoots them down... Apparently other hunters do not want competition and ruin the lives of others in all sorts of insidious ways. But Jamie is not upset over such trifles; his favorite drinks are still strawberry and banana, the ingredients for which live on the beach.It was clear from his expression that he was exhausted, but despite the fatigue, a joyful smile stretched from ear to ear.

- Great catch! - the girl shouted, running out from behind the bar. - You did a great job, well done.

- Hah, as if I didn't know that myself! - Jamie answered cheerfully, clapping his friend on the shoulder. - I'll rest a little and go again. Smith has already launched drones. Wow, how much profit there will be!

- Okay, rest, and I'll go open the counter!

The young people nodded to each other and went about their business. As Jamie said, he slept for literally two hours, and then with renewed vigor he headed off to the next hunt. Having landed on the beach, the green-haired man showed the driver of the flying car an "okay" gesture and, clutching the harpoon tightly in his hands, walked towards the pits where the zombies were hiding. An incomprehensible premonition raged inside me all the way, so I set several traps just in case. Having thrown out the bait, the hunter quickly hid behind a large stump and began to look out. We didn't have to wait long; after a few moments, several victims appeared in sight. One powerful shot was enough to catch two at once: one pineapple, and the other a banana. This usually takes longer, especially with banana. He always hides behind his "board".

- As if it would help you. Smith, there are two!

The mood immediately improved, and the guy even forgot about the bad feeling that had been alarming just a few minutes ago.

Having done the same thing as before, Jamie now hid in the jungle, watching as a fat zombie crawled out of the ground and ate his brain. The hunter pointed a sharp tip at him and was about to shoot when someone from behind pulled him back with force, knocking him off his feet. Jamie didn't have time to think and understand what was happening before he found himself pinned to the ground. Hanging over him was either a man or a zombie, it is not clear, but it doesn't matter, because the expression of this creature revealed that he did not come with the desire to say hello.

Jamie managed to insert a syringe with sleeping pills into the monster's neck at the last moment before he could do anything bad. Throwing the carcass away with difficulty, Jamie first looked at the empty space where the prey had been roaming a couple of seconds ago, and then at the stranger.

- What is it?..

Yes, exactly "what," because there was no other word to describe this something.

Jamie leaned over him and grabbed his cheeks to take a closer look. It was a man of about thirty. The skin was pale blue with boils like ulcers, and red blood was flowing from the head. Having examined the creature from head to toe, his gaze stopped at the leg where the trouser leg was torn. Lifting the fabric, Jamie saw clear marks from a trap.

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