Sean × sewer-slide y/n

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I listen to my parents talk shit about, as always.
They talk about how much of a failure I am, my horrible grades, my loss of motivation. My mother always calls me a "§lūt", when really she's the one who's always bringing a different man home from the bar, while dad is cheating on her with his secretary. I can't take it anymore. The bullying, the ābûsė, the pain, the bruises. Today is when it ends. I quietly walk into the bathroom, grab a bottle of medication, and walk back into my room. I pour all of the pïlł§ into my hand and then swallow them all. Everything goes black.

I open my eyes to the feeling of someone holding me close. I look to see who it's my boyfriend Sean. He was holding me close, my face buried in his chest. I was in a hospital bed. I then see that I'm wearing his favorite hoodie. I then remember my failed attempt and started to silently cry, when I felt someone mess with my hair, which always calms me down. I fall asleep in Sean's arms. I love him so much. ❤️‍🩹

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