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once upon a time there was a boi

a very stupid boi

he died of how stupid he was

which is not the end

cuz even in after life he was very stupid

which really pissed off satan

why is he in hell? cuz even stupidity is a sin

and our stupid boi must be the most sinful bitch in existence

so, he pissed off satan

so much

as to leading satan into transforming our stupid boi

into a stupid imp

so, he became an imp, a very stupid one too

as a stupid imp, he terrorized all smart imps

and the terrorized smart imps snapped and fought each other

which led satan into destroying all smart imps

the only imp remaining was the stupid one

satan was exasperated but impressed

all alone in hell, stupid imp annoyed satan too

with its stupid imply questions

" Are u single satan? "

satan has had enough of this bullshit and jumped in lava

Along with satan's death followed the living world's prosperity and ultimate betterness

there were no more wars, famine, drought, oppression, hate, discrimination, sin, depression

the world was evolving at last

and God was happy and impressed

God's human children have finally reached Heaven's gates and met happiness in after life too

God was impressed with stupid imp's actions

God granted stupid imp angelic powers

and thus, our stupid imp became a stupid angel who resides in Heaven

Stupid angel saw many fulfilled souls, happy and smart ones

The souls know stupid angel for its' "brave" act of saving them from satan's powers and cheered the stupid angel

stupid angel asked the cheery souls a stupid question

"Why were u listening to satan's commands"

The souls were stunned, as they thought the answer was obvious, but, as they tried to answer, they couldn't

stupid angel asked a stupid question

"Why are u glad satan died, what did he do to you"

the souls were weirded out by the stupid angel, and tried to stay away from it as much as possible

but stupid angel kept asking stupid questions

"Was satan hurting you?"

The souls, with the spiritual education received in their living time, were certain that satan was the one attracting them to sin

but now, the souls are doubtful

the souls ask stupid questions to God

God answers none and no one

stupid angel asks God a stupid question

"if u made satan, why are u happy he died?"

"was satan not ur child too?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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