Chapter One

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The bell rang, and a majority of the class ran in yelling, "I'm not late! I'm here! Don't count me as tardy!" My teacher was just sliding feet, swishing around the classroom in a blur. I could barely hear what she's saying, because her voice had compete with the voices of my peers. 

It was obvious to me that she was giving directions, I didn't know what for. She had people get up and pass sheets of paper out. I was soon presented my paper by a boy sitting on one knee. Oh great, I had somehow attracted the attention of Mark in first period. I was his pick of the day I guess. Mark was one of those boys who would do anything to get attention. Even if that meant doing something that makes everyone laugh at him and not something that is actually funny. He tended to pick one person everyday or week or month to tease and poke fun at. Why did it have to be me? I don't say anything, what could he possibly say now?

"Here you go princess." He paused and waited for me to smile, laugh, say something rude, anything. I could hear the class grow quiet, everyone waiting to see what happened next. I didn't want to see. I wanted to run out the door and keep going. I knew I could, no one would catch me either. I heard a cricket chirp outside the window in the empty field. My peers started to turn away and begin working on the crisp white papers they were just handed. Others giggled a little at Mark's expectant expression.

Mark tried again, "I believe a thank you is in order, princess. I hope  you find your prince charming some day."

No reply. I noticed Mark glancing down at my desk. My personal copy of The Frog Princess by E.D. Baker was simply sitting infront of me. I felt naked having Mark stare at a book that was so personal to me. That's when the situation made sense. He was teasing me about how I still read fantasy books. We were only in eigth grade. I didn't think it was that rare or different to read fairy tales.

That's when a girl with bright, red hair strutted over. Mark tried to ignore her, but she still made an attempt at conversation. "Awes. Mark sounds like you got a crush. You gave her a little nickname and everything! So cute!" giggled Melody.

It's obvious she'd been crushing on Mark since the beginning of the year. Mark was just so clueless he hasn't noticed. He was liked by almost every girl in this dead or dying school. The orange haired girl, Melody, was worse than Mark when it came to making fun of people. She laughs at everything. I once saw her laugh at a seventh grader when they fell down on the black top. They got scrapped up from elbow to wrist and knee to ankle. And she laughed because the face they made when they cried was funny. Atleast that's how she put it when the nurse came and yelled at her to stop laughing.

"If I do or not you would be the first person I tell, Melody," replied Mark, sarcastically.

"Really?" The excitement on Melody's face flashed across her face like a neon sign.

"Yeah!" Mark smiled, "But only in your dreams."

Melody looked as if she would slap him. I could visibly see the struggle. Her mind telling her to slap him and teach him a lesson. Her heart telling her not to because of her feelings for him. In the end I guess heart proved stronger than mind. Melody simply snapped her mouth shut and walked away. Poor girl. Mark was simply clueless and didn't know what power he had over her. I felt bad for her. She had all the friends and popularity. I had few friends and no one new who I was. Yet here I was, pittying her.

"Here you go," Mark handed me the paper as he winked at me. 


I spent the rest of class thinking about clever come backs I could've said. Something funny that would've made me sound smart. Anything that would've made Mark leave me alone. I was so irritated. I couldn't get over the fact that Mark had looked at my book. I couldn't believe he even attempted to tease me about it. 


I shot up and walked out of class and into the hallway. All the students around me clicked and clucked to one another while the walked to their next class. All of them seemed to have friends, while I was simply existing next to them. 

At lunch, my friends talked about Mark. Mark. Mark. And more Mark. I already had too much of Mark. It took every ounce of strength I had not to rip off my ears so I wouldn't have to listen. 

"Hey Hope! Can I talk to you?" Mark said as he approached my friends and I.

Well, speak of the devil.

All conversation stopped as my friends turned to me and shot glaces at Mark. I nodded and stood up. I walked a safe distance from my friends and turned to see if Mark was following me. To my surprise he actually walked past me and into the hall. Apparently, it was my turn to follow him. 

I stepped into the hall and looked both ways. I wasn't sure which way he went. I didn't really care. I had nothing to say to him, but apparently Mark had something very important to say to me. I allowed my thoughts to race through my mind. I went through different situation and scenarios in my mind as I wandered downt the hall way. 

I eventually found Mark standing by a rusty water fountain that had fallen off the wall for the last time. This was the first time I actually looked at Mark. His ginger hair and electric blue eyes were mesmorizing. His white shirt and jeans outshined the dreary hall way. His smile was gentle, but there seemed to be a secret hiding behind it. 

"Why are you so quite?"

I shrugged unsure as to why.

"You never say anything in class. Teachers don't even call on you to answer a question. Everyone knows you're smart. Why the silence? Are you a mute?"

I shook my head.

"Do you talk at home?"

I nodded.

"What do you think of me? Good or bad?"

This is when I hesitated. Why would Mark care what I thought of him? I have never thought a decent thought about Mark in my life. I didn't want to say bad, but I wasn't going to lie and say good. I held up hand and tillted it side to side.

"I want you to use your words. Tell me what you think this is. Tell me why you think I wanted to talk to you. I am just curious."

I looked at him for a long time. I didn't even know why I was standing out here. Why was I even giving Mark my time? He was just some boy that went to school with me since sixth grade. Why is he talking to me now? Why do I even have to answer these.

I shook my head and started walking back to the cafeteria. The bell would ring soon and I didn't want to be late to class. Apparently Mark wanted his answers. He persued me. He grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"Just say something."

There was a silence. The tensions swelled like a balloon. It grew and grew then right when it was about to burst I said, "Leave me alone."

The bell rang and Mark let go. We stood there staring at eachother as students flooded the hall. Soon we were swept appart. I retreived my lunch from the now empty lunch table. Looks like my friends left me again. I didn't know where Mark was, but I didn't care. It didn't even matter.

For the rest of the month, Mark never spoke to me. I was surprised. He never gave up on people. He usually pushed and pushed till he reached some imaginary line he crated. Did he already reach the line with me? 

I noticed after the our conversation in the hall, Mark stopped teasing and poking fun at people. He would go full class periods without talking. He stopped hanging out with the cool kids. He would plug himself into his phone and ignore the world around him. He didn't smile that smile anymore. My friends gradually stopped talking about him. I guess the secret Mark had been hiding was starting to come out.


Hey everyone! I know this is not the most thrilling beginning for a story. I was simply introducing some characters. I hope you all keep reading though! Remember to comment and vote.  I will try to upload the next chapter by November 1. Love y'all!

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