The first victim

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It all started from a peaceful saturday night when careless poor bonnie, the police officer joes swansons wife was cleaning up the table after eating a dinner with her family, but while washing the dishes, bonnie dropped a fork on the floor, at that split second, when she crouched down she heard something. She didn't care too much and continued on picking up the fork off the floor she immediatly started hearing giggity giggity coming closer to her every 1/10 of a second. Then she starded feeling a sharp pain in her back. She fell on her knees on the floor yelling for Joe to come downstairs quick, but before joe could come downstairs, the giggity killer had already left the place. Joe screamed when he saw his wife laying on the floor and Joe asked who did it and Bonnie said she heard giggity then she died. Joe promised he would find the giggity killer to avenge his wifes death. He went to the basement to get his double barrel shotgun and called 911 and told them about the giggity killer. Sadly the police men didn't believe Joe and Joe  went to prison for 420 days for murder of his belived wife, Everyday in prison he wanted revenge for the giggity killer.

 Sadly the police men didn't believe Joe and Joe  went to prison for 420 days for murder of his belived wife, Everyday in prison he wanted revenge for the giggity killer

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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