Chapter One.

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September 15, 1993.


Elvira sat up abruptly, slamming her palm down onto the blaring alarm clock. With a moan of unpleasentness she swung her feet over the side of her bed and rubbed her eyes, taking a glance at the alarm clock that read 6:10 AM. She pushed herself off the bed and onto the floor then headed straight for her closet. Elvira hated school, especially since Valentine was there. She hated Valentine with every single atom in her body, she'd do anything to make him disappear forever. She's hated him ever since she met him in seventh grade, she's now a junior in highschool.

Elvira's wardrobe was full of black. dresses, skirts of almost all lengths, shorts, shirts, of course she had a few band tees and colorful dresses as well. She skimmed through her clothing, gently chewing on her lip as she looked through all of her choices. Her eyes landed on the V neck lace crop top, once she collected that off her hanger she moved on to her bottoms which was usually more easy. She decided on a long almost floor length skirt with some lace on the bottom and chose her Doc Martens for shoes. She headed to the bathroom with her change of clothes, toothbrush and towels.

She reached her hand towards the hot water knob in the tub, twisting it left about four times before moving onto the cold water, twisting that one about two and a half times. She stripped of her current clothing while she waited for the bath to fill, adding some bubble bath and a few roses into it as well. Elvira dipped one of her feet into the water, swishing it around to feel the temperature and after a few seconds she was sitting in the tub, gently leaning back and relaxing into the water. As she bathed, she thought about school and prayed Valentine wouldn't show up that day. Valentine is such a dickhead.

About 25 minutes later, Elvira was finished with her bath. She stood up, pulled the drain and wrapped one towel around her body and the other around her head. While she let herself naturally dry off, she sat at her black vanity and began to start on her makeup. After awhile of thinking of different makeup looks she decided on a natural gothic look with some eyeliner. She applied the pale foundation to her face, contour, did her eyebrows, added gray eyeshadow, eyeliner to her waterline, added some red lipgloss and finally she carefully drew a thick line of eyeliner across her eyelid, connected it and done! It was now 6:55 so she moved onto her hair and clothes. She clipped her bra on, pulled her shirt over her head and stepped into her skirt then went onto blow drying, teasing and hairspraying her hair into her usual goth hairstyle. She decided to add some jewelry as well, slipping on some rings and a few necklaces with red and black jewels on them.

Finally done she sighed a sigh of relief before heading back to her bedroom, she looked at the clock which read 7:20 AM. She slipped on her doc martens and sat down on her beanbag chair, pulling out a random book to pass the time. Once the clock struck 7:50 AM, she threw on her bag and ran out the door. It was a ten minute walk from her house to school, so if she wanted to be early she'd have to leave ten minutes earlier. One thing she is excited for is seeing her best friend, Claire, they're complete opposites! Claire loves dressing in pink and yellow, frilly stuff while Elvira enjoys dressing in black and red lacey things. She was practically speed walking to school, her mind lingering with thoughts of what she'll do today. Before she knew it, she was stepping foot through the big bright red doors of her school.

Luckily, her locker was directly next to Claires! Unfortunately, her locker was also right next to Valentines. She dreaded it, but still made her way to her locker anyway. She entered the pin to her lock 6372, as soon as it made the click noise she nearly pulled the locker door off the hinges. She stuffed her bag into the locker and took the book she needed for her History class.

"Hey Vira!!" Claire exclaimed as she ran up, engulfing Elvira in a large hug.

Elvira usually hated physical touch but if it was with someone she was close with, mostly just Claire, then it was okay. It made her feel wanted and fuzzy inside.

"Hey Claire bear!!" Elvira smiled brightly at the colorful girl and hugged back just as tight.

"Ahh! Long day ahead of us Vira, what class do you have first?" Claire asked, gently pulling away from the embrace.

"Yeahh not looking forward to it, History." Elvira groaned as she glanced at Valentine who was struggling to put the correct pin into his lock.

"History more like blehh!! I have Phys Ed, nothing worse than having PE first period, an actual  nightmare!!" Claire squealed, emphasizing the word actual.

"Hey thats not too bad, I actually enjoy PE" Elvira laughed slightly, ruffling the brunettes hair.

"Of course YOU do Ellie, you're actually athletic unlike me, I'm so out of shape I can barely breathe correctly going up two flights of stairs!" Claire pouted as she held onto Elviras arm.

"Not even I can make it up a flight of stairs without breathing heavily and I'm so called athletic, don't blame yourself PE sucks to most people" Elvira smiled down at Claire.

Claire huffed as she took her gym clothes out of her locker, the bell ringing as soon as she closed it.

"Byebye Vivi!! Have a good day, I'll see you at lunch" Claire yelled down the hall as she ran to her class.

"Bye Claire bear" Elvira waved down the hall then headed to her class.

Elvira walked down the hall to her history class, her Doc Martens making gentle footstep noises as she walked on the hard floors. She pushed open the door and sat down at her seat then began to open her notebook, halfway into doodling on her page she hears a very familiar voice that made her head quickly shoot up.

There he was.

Valentine. Fucking. Walker.

The boy she despised, she couldn't even bare having a locker next to him imagine how she feels when he transferred to her class. Her calm mood quickly turned into pure annoyance as he sat down in the desk next to hers. She moved all of her stuff to the other half of her desk so her supplies would be nowhere close to the boy she hated. Why did he have to transfer to this class out of all of them, why did he have to choose THIS desk out of them. Why why why?!?!  After about 45 minutes the bell rang. she ran to her locker as fast as she could, quickly put in her lock pin and shoved her history book in after grabbing her science notebook. She slammed the locker closed and hid behind a corner until Claire came.

"Holy shit Claire you will NOT believe what just happened.." Elvira said as she dragged her hands down her face.

"What happened? Oh my gosh! Did you trip on your skirt?!" Claire gasped in horror as she imagined the scene.

"NO! Even worse.." Elvira exclaimed as she examined the room for the taller male.

Elvira started again "Valentine dickhead Walker is in my fucking history class, maybe even more classes! Claire we both know how much I hate this guys guts. I cannot deal with this shit, he even chose the desk directly next to mine!"

"EWW! That's so gross. Maybe try ignoring him for now, if he shows up in more of your classes maybe he's being a stalker.." Claire threw her hand over her mouth.

"Hmm.. I wouldn't put it past him but he hates me too, bullied me since seventh grade I'm not sure why he'd pick me out of all people" Elvira finished her sentence and the bell rang once again. 

"I dunno Vivi.. I hope you figure it out byebye I'll see you later again!!" Claire said as she patted my back and ran off into the swarm of teenagers

"Byebye Claire thank you!!" Elvira shouted and made her way to her Science class.

  Through the next three periods that passed, her mind fluttered with questions.

"Why is Valentine stalking me? Is he stalking me? Does he hate me? He better hate me, I fucking hate him."

She sat deep in thought throughout the rest of the period, wondering what he was thinking.

"My mind fills with violent anger when I think about her. I hate that Mr Dawson seated me next to her. I'd love to watch her get into a horrific car accident as her car goes up in flames."  Valentine thought.

1506 words
this is being written at 5:20 in the morning so please ignore any mistakes, I'm also a horrible writer and this is pretty much my first attempt at serious writing in a few years also claire is so me but im emo

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