Chapter 1

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Happy happy time. Hmmm why is it called three? I'm sure you can guess who would even dare to enter into this relationship!

Fanfiction: All ideas of this storyline are mine but all characters etc are the authors.

Type stared at his paling color as he stood in the restroom of the doctors office, having just thrown up after eating spicy food. There was something wrong with him, he thought. Perhaps it's another virus again. The look on his face was that of pure worry. The flu wouldn't explain the growing bump on his stomach or the weird yet light fluttering feelings he received from time to time there.

Worry etched across Type's face as he stared at the small cup that held his urine. What if he had a life threatening disease that he couldn't get away from? The lines furrowing between his brow deepened. He couldn't bear to leave Tharn again. Sighing loudly, he snatched it up and went back to the room to await the doctor.

After the tests were run, as well as blood tests, the doctor came in with a confused look. He told Type that there were even more to be had. It was frustrating him to no end and he almost walked out the door a few times. In the end, Type gave up the right and succumbed to the doctors will.

It was cold in the room and with nothing but a paper gown on and some boxers, Type began to shiver. Lying down on the table his gown was pushed aside and a cold gel crossed his stomach. A small device was gliding on it, looking for abnormalities. Type and the technician both watched the screen intensely as a sound transferred through the amplified microphone.

Type thought he was hearing his heartbeat when an emergency button was pushed. He was shocked when the doctor and a few nurses rushed in but recovered quickly. He did not understand why everyone was staring at him and then back to the monitor in awe.

'Clean up and come with me.' The doctor cleared his throat and watched as Type did as he asked. Type gulped in fear as they entered into the consultation room. His eyes almost blurred because he knew he was going to receive bad news. 'Sit down please.'

'I prefer to stand. Just hurry up and say what disease I have and how long until I die.' Type was nervous and agitated, his words coming rapidly and angrily from his mouth.

'You're pregnant.'


Type sat on the edge of the bed anxiously tapping his foot and wringing his hands. He still hadn't recovered from shock at learning he was going to have Tharn's baby. He even was almost 5 months along. Subconsciously his hand rubbed his stomach and he blushed. He still couldn't believe the truth.

The doctor had tediously explained to him how he was special. It still didn't make sense to him but it was ok. He was just happy that this didn't happen while they had been in college. Then again, they always used condoms back then. He felt the fluttering feeling and tried not to smile, but it crept across his lips.

The sharp slam of the door made Type realize that his husband was home. He removed his hand from his stomach and placed both of them on his legs, trying to be relaxed. It was only moments before a concerned Tharn entered the room.

'I tried to call you so many times Type. What did the doctor say? I'm sorry I couldn't make it there but I was stuck in a meeting.' His husband's concern was evident on his face.

'Tharn...' Type didn't know how to explain what he knew.

Tharn took Type's hands in his own and sat down on the bed. 'I love you so much Type. Whatever it is we can go through it together. I fell in love with you a long time ago so I'm not going anywhere. I know you are stressed, I can see it, but nothing can stop me from being with you. Nothing at all. Now tell me what is wrong.' His hands squeezed tighter on Type's.

'You swear that you won't leave me?' Type wanted to ensure that before he spoke again even though he was sure of the answer. He was feeling suddenly insecure.

'Haven't we been through this already? I will never leave you Type.' Tharn looked sincerely in Type's eyes.

'I have your baby inside of me Tharn.'

'W-what? H-how?' Tharn's face displayed the biggest shock while his wife relayed what the doctor said. He listened intently but his hands relaxed, losing strength. Type watched the switching emotions on Tharn's face with unsureness until his husband hugged him tightly he almost couldn't breathe.

'Tharn...' He croaked out trying to push him back a little. 'The baby is getting crushed.' Type even had a hard time to say those words but not from the hug. He was dying from embarrassment at having to say them being a guy. Regardless, it had the appropriate results and he was released right away.

'How far along are you?' Tharn was very curious of his wife's situation for he loved Type so much. He also felt that God was shining down on them in favor. His hand crept along the slight curvature of Type's stomach.

'Almost 5 months.' How could Type drop a bomb like that was the thoughts of Tharn. He was shocked that there was so little time to prepare when the love of his life was barely showing at all.

'You are too small...stop playing sports and eat more. Let me get you some food!'

Without more words, Tharn was gone, leaving Type to stare at the doorway in amusement. It wasn't even closed. He laughed unlike no other when he got up and shut the door. Before returning to his spot, he passed by the mirror where he decided to really inspect his body. He lifted his shirt and stared at the little lump that they had made. He was indeed small for five months. He recalled his friends sister Lemon and how she very big compared to this. He vowed to eat more in that moment.

Replacing his shirt, he inspected the rest of himself. His eyes looked tired and somewhat had bags there. His skin was very radiant though. He smiled at that since he always had issues with acne since young. His face did look fuller but barely. He recalled the past months and realized they had missed all the signs.

He had vomited so much in the beginning, to the point that Tharn almost carried him to the hospital but it only lasted three weeks and he endured it. He was stubborn and refused to think it was any more than a virus. He knew now that it had been morning sickness. His sexual libido had been off the charts in the beginning too. There were plenty of times he had made Tharn late for work as well as himself. It was to the point that for months they had been shut ins. Having so much sex that he could barely stand or walk. It was even shorter for him to reach his peak and he was dumbfounded but grateful for being able to achieve so many multiple orgasms.

Eventually that all died down and he was moody, crying a lot even. Tharn would hold him and rub his back but then he would hate to be touched and would lash out and even smacked Tharn, which he hadn't done in a long time. Tharn didn't talk to him for days until he apologized repeatedly. The guilt washed over him when he realized how awful he was to the one he loved the most.

He also hated the comments from people that his stomach was getting fat, more than he would have normally. Especially from that idiot Techno. He would always poke it and tell him to lay off the sweets since he was beginning to look pregnant. How right he had been. Type was now in the craving stage and eating weird things. That's when he noticed the small bulge increasing and couldn't deny something was wrong.

He decided that he had cancer yet was scared for many more weeks to get checked out. His fatigue increased and Type realized he had been sleeping a lot. That boosted him to go to the doctor's for the diagnosis. Never in a million years did he think that pregnancy was what had caused all of this.

Tears started to well in his eyes when he felt the slight flutter again. He had created a life with Tharn. He reminisced on the beginning to the current status of their relationship. He had always expected the unexpected after falling for a man. It had always been exciting even with the trials and tribulations. His smile became big when his hands rested on his bump. His love for Tharn increasing tenfold.

'Both of your daddies love you and will protect you no matter what.'

Type had reassured the little butterfly in his stomach as he subconsciously kept rubbing there. He was telling the truth. No one would ever be able to hurt her. He smiled again to himself at that word. Her. When Tharn came back, he would reveal to Tharn that they were having a baby girl.

Author Note: Expanding from my one shot. Stay tuned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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