Chapter 1 + Epilogue

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Naomasa: "Im sorry professor"

There are currently 4 Japanese soldiers being held hostage along with some professors. These men had tried to carry out there Rescue Mission in South Korea but had gone terribly wrong.

Professor: "Its not your fault Major Naomasa, its our fault for making you come all the way out to come and get us"

Naomasa: 'If only we didnt have a damn rat! we could've had carried this mission out with no threats'

As the men sat in a small dimly lit room tied up, the door started to rattle, soon after a Korean solider came in with a huge smile.


the soldier had only understood the last word he said, the Korean solider grabbed his gun and proceeded to smash the foul mannered soldier in the back of the head. Major Naomasa could only watch his anger while his men where being beaten right in front of his eyes.

After a few more hits the Korean Soldier smirked and walked out the room.

Naomasa: "Are you alright brother?" (Brother as in comrade)

Soldier: "y-yea..."

Naomasa looked to the ground in frustration, he was the leader of this group and all he could do was just sit there.

Naomasa: 'There just paying with us like pawns'

After 5 minutes the door opened again, it was the same soldier as before

Naomasa: "What do you want now pig"

The Korean soldier said nothing, his face was blank and small drops of blood starting dripping from the back of his head. After a few seconds he fell to the ground. Behind him was a guy whos face was rapped in a scarf, black bulletproof military gear.

???: "Are you Major Naomasa?"

Naomasa: 'He speaks Japanese!'

Naomasa: "Who are you?"

While Naomasa looked down at this guy, he could tell his Japanese wasnt fluent.

???: "I came for you... now.."

the unknown person untied and handed the soldiers some weapons

???: "bring your men and follow me"

Naomasa complied and escorted the civilians and his men with this person. As they dashed through the hallways, they passed many dead soldiers that layed on the ground

Naomasa: 'Wait... how are they all dead? We didnt here a single gunshot?'

Naomasa looked at the floor and saw no bullet cases in sight.

While the men were running, a door in front of them opened. Two men on patrol came through and saw there prisoners escaping

Naomasa: "FIR-"

Before Naomasa and his men could shoot, there rescuer sprinted to the enemies in a split second and quickly stabbed the first man in the heart. the second enemy was about to shoot until the man threw the body at him. the man then grabbed his knife he used to kill the first guy and throw it exactly the the second guys heart, killing him instantly.

Naomasa: 'W-what the! such skill, Is this related to his quirk somehow?'

After a few hours of running through the base, they finally escaped and found the rest of Naomasas crew waiting nearby.

Soldiers: "MAJOR!"

While the soldiers reunited Major Naomasa looked at the man and did a quick analysis

Naomasa: 'Black eyes, green hair, speaks good Japanese but not fluent... his is this guy?'

Naomasa: "Thanks for saving us, is there anything we can do?"

???: "No need, Just carrying out a commission"

Naomasa: 'A Mercenary, Figures'

As the two were about to shake hands, the men were suddenly ambushed by a enemy mortar. As the smoke dissipated, Naomasa looked around. All his men were alright but what shocked him the most was the man... no.

Naomasa: 'HES A KID!'

the boy whos mask had fallen off had already fired back and killed the rest of the enemies in only a couple of minutes.

Epilogue Over

6 months later:

During the 6 months Naomasa would take the boy under his arm to multiple military missions. The platoon would always have a perfect 100% success in every mission they had with this boy.

They learned that the boy had lost all his memory after a accident he was in. Slowly over the years they would learn who he was

1 year Later: (Izuku is 13 years old)

Izuku: "Hey Major Naomasa, my memory, I remembered something"

Izuku who they had recently learned explained that he had a memory of him crash landing in this country.

Naomasa: 'Plane Crash? but the most recent Japan plane crash was 8 years ago...'

Naomasa patted the kid on the head and told him good job. Izuku with a straight face nodded walked out the room.

4 years would pass and Naomasa and his crew would teach Izuku perfect Japanese, manners, math, English an other educational stuff. Izuku would also learn about quirks since most of his memory on quirks had been wiped. The crew is currently lounging around until the room door is slammed open

Solider: "MAJOR! IZUKU! GUYS!"

the boys looked at the energetic soldier who was covered in sweat


Everyone started to jump out of there seats and celebrate! they all congratulated Izuku for still having a alive family.

Naomasa: "We must prepare you... BOYS!"

Everyone stood straight and listened


Everyone cheered more and were glad that the kid would most likely no longer have to fight again.

6 Months later: (Izuku Is 18 Years Old)

After a long flight across japan, Izuku looked outside his small window as the plane slowly landed on the ground. After months of "training" He was finally ready to see his family. Izuku Midoriya walked out of the plane and walked out into the crowd of people who were also waiting for family.

He was told to look for a sign of his name on it. After a few seconds he saw a older man holding a sign looking around with a girl to his side. Izuku walked up and the three made contact.

The man dropped the sign and ran towards Izuku and gave him a hug.

Dad: "My boy! Im soo happy to see you again! Thank god your alive"

Izukus father Hisashi Midoriya was shaking with tears in his eyes. While the man cuddled him, Izuku looked at the girl who he learnt was Izumi Midoriya his little sister and smiled

Izuku: "Im home".

End Of Chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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