Under Any Circumstances, Do Not Wake Up.

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Kai's POV:

I am still wondering why we hang out with this stupid nerd Dylan, but at least he does our homework, so we don't need to worry about that, and we don't even pay him! I know Ash has a plan, he told us a few days ago. Ash smiled at us, "Anybody wanna come with me to get more snacks?" Everyone stood up at the same time, except Dylan. We all went upstairs, talking about random stuff so loud that Dylan could hear us, even if we were upstairs. After all, we don't want our plan to get ruined.

After a few minutes we walked back down, and to our surprise, we saw Dylan laying on the floor. We walked in front of him, not saying much, until Ash finally spoke up, "The plan worked? Huh. I didn't thought it would be that easy ... Let's bring him to the truck." We all nodded and grabbed Dylan, bringing him to the truck. "Holy fuck, how many pounds does that fucker weight?" Rowan said, laughing after. "He's a nerd, what do you expect? Idiot." Ash said. We all laughed for a bit until we finally arrived by the truck. Ash opened the trunk and we put Dylan inside.

That was exhausting, Dylan weights a lot. I kinda feel bad about Dylan. Wait, what am I thinking? He deserves it, after all.

"Kai, you can sit in the front with me." Ash said and disappeared inside the truck. Mason, Erin, and Rowan sat down in the back and I sat down in the passenger seat.

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