내 사랑의 결말

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Something about Gray Yeon attracted you. Perhaps it was because he was Eunjang’s White Mamba, or that he was so pretty you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.

Approaching him was like approaching a feral animal. His cold demeanor brushing you away until he finally deemed you were to be trusted. Looking back on it now, perhaps when he smiled at you, the second he realized he could let his guard down around you was the moment you fell in love.

The two of you spent time as often as you could, with the gang following around. Almost all of them, excluding Ben could see your adoration for Gray. The way your eyes would light up just talking about or with him and the way your temper would instantly soften when it came to nagging Gray. Maybe that was why they took Gray along with them as much as they could when you started lecturing them about their grades.

Surprisingly enough, Gray opens up to you. He told you of his worries and even his past. It upset you to know that your beloved friend had experienced such an incident, especially when his friend was described to you so... passionately. The way Gray’s eyes softened whenever he talked about Stephen Ahn, the way his lips turn up in a small smile when reminiscing of his dear memories, and the way his face flushes when talking about his relationship with Stephen. At that moment you realised.

Perhaps you never had a chance to win his heart in the first place.

But that’s alright. Standing by his side and watching him from afar wouldn’t be so bad anyways. So why are you crying? You should be cheering him on and helping him move on from Stephen Ahn, not skipping a day of school just to wallow in self pity.

Grant yourself some slack.

You should be allowed to cry at your misery of never being able to stand with Gray. So cry it out, cry out all of your heartbreak.

And when you pretend that you both are more than friends,

You’ll of course let your heart be broken again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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pretend we are more than friends (and of course i'll let you break my heart)Where stories live. Discover now