Chapter 1

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Waking up to my man every morning is sure the best.

But then I realized that today was my interview for my job I signed up for!

I slide out of bed and put a white dress on and straighten my hair, doing little eye makeup until I feel some arms around my waist.

"Good morning, sugar." Travis kisses my cheek and turns on the shower. "Big day for you, right?"

I blush, get up from me seat and nod. "Very big day. I hope I get in!"

Travis pulls me in his arms and kisses my neck. "Gabby, I know you will."

Then he starts undressing and I leave the bathroom. "I'll call you when I get back!"

Walking down the stairs, I put my wedding ring on and put on my not so very tall heels and head out!


Walking into the building was just a thrill itself. I have never been in a building this big before!

"Hello, yes I am here for an interview." I kindly say, and smile at the woman.

She smiles back at me and types onto the computer. "Yes dear, may you state your name?"

"Gabrielle Anne Scott." I say proudly.

"Ahh, I see you got a wedding ring on!" She smiles. "Is Scott your maiden name?"

I smile and nod. "Yes ma'am. I'm engaged to a wonderful man named Travis Dunn."

The woman nods and smiles. "Well congrats!"

Then she continues typing. "Well, Mrs. Dunn," she laughs and looks to me. "Mr. Jackson, will see you now in room 64b on floor 3."

She hands me more paperwork and smiles. "Good luck, dear! He's a tough one!" She whispers.

What must that mean? I keep thinking about that as I get into the elevator and push floor 3.

"New girl, right?"

I look up at the man and nod. "Yes sir.. Well not until I get accepted."

He laughs and shakes his head. "Yeah, I know that. Call me Thomas."

I smile and adjust the paperwork in my hands. "Oh, okay. Hello, Thomas."

We both walk out the door together and he smiles at me. "Hello..."

"Gabrielle... Well, people call me Gabby so I prefer Gabby." I laugh and walk to 64b.

"Alright, Gabby." Thomas smiles, then he nudges me. "Be careful in there, ya hear?" He whispers, "he's a strict one." Then walks away.

I gulp hard and knock on the door, then suddenly a man opens the door.

"Hello, you must be the girl who has an interview today." He smiles and welcomes me into his office.

"Yes, sir."

He leads me to his chair and walks around his desk and sits in his chair. "Before we get onto this interview, I would like to lay out some rules for the newcomer."

"Yes sir." I say quickly.

"Number one, don't speak to me unless I speak to you." He said and lays back in his chair.

I tilt my head. "Um..-"

"Don't speak so fast, wait at least five seconds before you speak." He chuckles and runs a hand through his hair.

"Two, you must obey my orders." He smirks and plays with his fingers.

I raise my hand for a question, afraid he might yell at me. "Yeah, um why are you so strict?"

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