Chapter Eleven - Operation: Escape

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Nate didn't know how long he was locked in the basement. All he knew was that he had to get out of there. He spent what felt like hours banging on the door, yelling at Matt to let him out. But nothing happened. He was alone.

Eventually, the ebony gave up, sitting down on the steps as a soft sob escaped his lips, "I'm sorry Hunter.." he murmured to himself, "I should've listened to you.. But I didn't and now you're dead because I was too fucken stupid and naive.."

Eventually, the sudden sound of the door unlocking caused Nate to jump before quickly getting to his feet as he watched the door with narrowed eyes.

"Steph? Shawn?" Nate's eyes widened as he saw his two friends come into view, "How did you know I was down here?"

"You said you'd be right back" Shawn replied, "Nate, it's been two days"

Nate's eyes widened. Two days? "Where's Matt?" he asked hesitantly, "He's not around is he?"

Stephanie shook her head, "No. He wasn't here when we got here"

Nate let out a sigh of relief, "Have you guys seen Hunter?" He asked as the three of them went up the stairs.

"No, he hasn't been to the studio since the day you found him being punched by Matt"

"We need to go to his house" Nate replied, "Right now"

"Why?" Steph asked, "Nate what's wrong?" She put a gentle hand on the ebony's shoulder, "what did Matthew do?"

"Oh you know" the sudden sound of Matt's voice behind them caused them to freeze, "I just hired somebody to take care of that prick"

Nate froze as he saw a gun in the brunette's hand and a knife in his waistband.

"Matt don't do this" Stephanie spoke up taking a step towards the brunette while Shawn gently pushed Nate behind him, putting himself between the gun and his friend.

"This isn't you" Steph continued, "Please, just put the gun down"

"SHUT UP!" Matt snapped, causing Nate to flinch, "This is me" He growled, aiming the gun at Stephanie with a smirk, "This has always been me"

"Bullshit" Nate growled, stepping around Shawn, "This isn't the guy I fell in love with" He added, "This isn't the kind, caring, loving Matt I know and love" The ebony felt tears fill his eyes as he continued, "what happened to that guy?"

"That guy wasn't who I truly am" Matt replied, "That was all just me tossing the bait. And lo and behold" he chuckled darkly, " I reeled in the biggest catch of the year"

With a low growl, Shawn suddenly charged at Matt. The tanned male didn't get far, though, as Matt quickly aimed the gun at him before pulling the trigger.

"NO!" Nate roared as Shawn fell to the floor with a low thud. He was dead.

"Nate" Steph whispered, not once taking her eyes off of Matt, "Nate go. I'll hold him off as long as I can" She added, "Go to the police as quickly as you can. Run and don't you dare look back"


"GO, NATHAN!" Steph yelled as she took off in a sprint towards Matt, tackling the brunette to the floor. Nate didn't waste another second as he booked it towards the front door.

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