in between books

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y/n POV

I have always wanted to work with books. My life was filled with books since I was a baby. My mom has been raising me with books. Literally. She always reads to me during my childhood days whenever she got time to. Later I learnt to pick up the books my own and has always been close to books since.

Basically a bookworm. I always had a copy of a book I'm currently reading in my bag wherever I go. To use my time in the subway and sometimes during lunch time.

When James, my cousin asked me to help him at his father's bookstore, which he's currently handling it with few staffs, I was so excited. It's a small bookstore somewhere hidden in New York. I've been there few times whenever I visited New York.

A normal Monday, I was at the bookstore mid afternoon, having the most peaceful day. I just had my lunch and it was so far the best I had in a week. My stomach has been very sensitive lately I had to step back a little bit from eating new dish or try new drinks at a cafe. I have been very passionate about food but this week just me slowly getting back the pace I had and finally getting energetic to walk around the store. 

For the last few days I had been at the register and handle all the checkouts. So I didn't real got to go around the store to put up the new books just yet. This bookstore was a mix of new and old, the store has more old books than new ones but still put up some recently published books from niche authors and some of the well known ones. 

The people who came here really know what they one and some just to enjoy their day browsing through shelves, digesting the old book scent which to me wasn't a weird thing cause I love me some old books scent. 

I enjoyed having a tour around the store cause I for once have all the time I need to finally absorb all that happening in the store which I never got to experience before. I'm always busy travelling around the country, going on press tours for books that my company published that I didn't get enough motivation and time to finish up writing my own book. I might get some done during this break. I've took a 3 months break from work after my last project was finished. 

James had the books ready for me to put up by the counter. I brought a few with me that has been codes and to be place at the "new publish" section. The store was so big but it was quite the challenge to figure things out. I was a newbie with all the bookstore/library system. 

After walking through two shelves I found the section I had to be at. It was a bit tricky but I managed to squeeze in the new books at the already fully occupied shelf. I succeed put them on and it looks beautiful. Rearrange a few to makeshift of space and finally done. 

As I was turning around to go back to the counter, I'd bumped into someone. 

"Oh so sorry Sir!" I said balancing myself from falling. It would be a disaster if I fall infront of a customer.  

"Forgive me. I was digesting the atmosphere so it was my fault for bumping into you." said the person. I finally looked at the person's face. It was a guy. Luckily he didnt pushed me harder. 

"It's okay, I worked here and trust me that happens a lot. Do enjoy your time here." I said quickly trying to get away from the situation. 

"By the way Ms., the music of choice is great" He said. 

"Oh really thanks. I've chosed the playlist today. Got to blast a bit of Chopin. Just love it so much" I replied. He has a good ear for recognising Chopin. 

"Yes exactly. I listened to Chopin once in a while too. Just to refresh my mind a litle bit." He later continued. Oh interesting. 

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