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Samantha POV.

I was in the shower washing my hair.

"Samantha save some hot water for your dad and sister!" Laura yelled.

"Okay!" I yelled back.

I turned the water off and squeezed the water out of my hair with my hair and then got out of the shower.

Nicole POV.


Dad and I were panting as we ran through the woods

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Dad and I were panting as we ran through the woods.

"Dad, I wish Sammy would have come running with us." I said.

"I know, sweetie. But you know how your sister is stubborn, just like her mother." Dad stated.

I giggled as we continue to run.

"How much longer?" I asked, panting.

"Not much." Dad said.

We reached the gate towards our house.

"Mr. Walker. Ms. Walker." Larry greeted.

"Hey, Larry." I greeted.

"Larry." Dad said, plainly.

Larry opened the gate and we ran through it. We continued to run through the woods until we reached out house.

"Told you." Dad said.

"Cocky much." I rolled my eyes, as we ran up to the house.

Kaiser barked as a greeting. Dad ran up to him and grabbed the newspaper and petted him.

"I've eaten meaner dogs than you for breakfast, you wimp!" Dad said to the dog.

Dad and I ran into the house, Kaiser following closely behind us.

Once inside I went upstairs to shower.

Laura POV.

I made my way into the kitchen where my husband was sitting reading the newspaper.

"Did you get the tickets, yesterday?" I asked him.

"Huh?" Steve asked.

"The Pier? James Taylor?" Laura asked.

"Oh, shit!" Steve said.

Samantha POV.

Nicole and I walked into the kitchen in our new dresses.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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