(Name) Hunt

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(Name) Hunt. The infamous Huntress and Assassin of the Land of Justice. Run for your life if you see the white feather attached to her brown leather hat because she was sent to kill you, so good luck! Or not~? No one can escape her hawk-like eyes after all.

Other names: Le chasseur d'amour (herself), Little Huntress (Raiden Ei), Ms. Hunt (Kaeya and Diluc), дорогой (Childe), Mischievous (Zhong Li), and counting...

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height: 176 cm or 5" 9 ft

Hometown: Sumeru (Birthplace), Fontaine (Current)

Origin: Human

Occupation: Assassin of the Schoenheit and LeBlanche household, the personal guard of Neige and Vil, and Huntress of the Land of Wisdom

Vision: Electro - her nature of being a huntress has scared countless individuals, seeing her as a "weirdo" or "freak. Despite that, her ambition of becoming formidable didn't stop, and continued seeking the strength she needs. Granted with an electro vision she found after she woke up, Celestia has blessed her with the strength she wished to have.

Weapon: Bow and Sword - the natural weapons for hunting. Raised to hunt wild animals in the dangerous woods while she was living in Sumeru, she was trained to handle a bow and managed to kill a bear in the process. Sword is for cutting the limbs of her victims, no matter who or what they are.

Voice lines from other characters:


Vil Schoenheit: "I can assure you that you wouldn't like to be (Name)'s target. She's merciless to the target she's pursued. If we're talking about outside business, she's nice and cheerful. Always washes me with her french compliments."

Neige LeBlanche: "She's very nice! A reliable guard if I say so myself! However, when I learned she's also an assassin that targets those who want to kill me and Vil... She's scary. I mean, I understand why she's doing that, so I avoid going to her bad side!"


Childe, the 11th Harbinger: "I'll gladly be her target again, so I can spar with her again! She put up quite a fight when she was tasked to kill me. The way her sword skills managed to block my attacks and her flawless presence disappearance is just magnificent."

Pantalone, the 9th Harbinger: "I would love to have her around my fingertips. Stealing the Huntress is like a price in my eyes... Of course, I can buy her instead."

La Signora, the 8th Harbinger: "She's pretty keen on her surroundings. I must say I'm amazed by it."

Scaramouche, the 6th Harbinger: "I don't care if Raiden has set eyes on her. I'll gladly steal that huntress from my creator."

Capitano, the 4th Harbinger: "I would like to see her skills with my own eyes."

Dottore, the 2nd Harbinger: "She thought she killed me. Quite laughable... I wouldn't mind sacrificing another segment of mine to examine her skills."


Raiden Ei: "While she bears an electro vision and I'm the Electro Archon, I would visit her in her dreams... Little Huntress is helpless around my hold whenever I do so."

Yae Miko: "You can say I adore her. Who couldn't resist a pretty huntress such as her? None of you? Alright then, but be warned that if I knew anyone of you likes her shall be punished. Am I clear?"

Rosaria: "I don't mind meeting her. I would like to challenge her skills."

Beidou: "My pal (Name)? I'm glad you met her! I like her to be honest... Well, you can say I'm kind of obsessed, but it's natural. Nothing serious!"

Ningguang: "I have told Beidou about I don't pay any mind if she wants to share (Name) with me. I can say she's a diamond, a rare one... I don't mind sharing her unless she knows who she belongs to."

Diluc Ragnvindr: "Ms. Hunt? Once, I was her target. I admit I struggled from her fierce attacks, but we were interrupted when her informant told her that I wasn't the one behind the poisoning of Neige LeBlanche... I'm interested in her."

Kaeya Alberich: "I'm amused by the fact Diluc was targeted by Ms. Hunt. I wouldn't mind being targeted as well... I have set my eyes on her ever since after all. A close-up meeting wouldn't hurt."

Al-Haitham: "She would stalk me during our Akademiya days... Unbeknownst to her, I'm also stalking her until now. Keep it a secret, will you?"

Kamisato Ayato: "Her status made me interested in her... She's beautiful and captivating. Her attitude merely blinded the people around her. As for me, she's a temptation."

Rex Lapis, Zhong Li, Morax: "I watched when she killed a citizen from Liyue. I didn't pay mind due to the citizen's wrongdoing concerning her Master's safety... If I tried to kill her Master, maybe I could have a taste of her wrath. I wouldn't mind."

Xiao: "I was gonna kill that bastard myself, but she got him first. I have been told that she's a huntress from another region... I'm aware I don't desire to talk to mortals, but I could do an exception."

Venti, Barbatos: "She's pretty cool! Even though her target is very far away, her aim is perfect! She was almost caught though~!"



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