☆ Chapter 1 ☆

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A young girl was laying lifelessly on her hospital bed, staring at the ceiling above her. If someone didn't look at her carefully, they would barely notice that she was breathing. The girl's head was buried in her pillow, and her hair was all over the bed. The girl's eyes moved slowly around as her gaze followed the black and white patterns on the ceiling. Her eyes grew dull and lifeless as the days passed one by one. They were losing their beautiful color. Her eyes were almost sunk into her skull. The flesh in her body has been sucked out until her bones are exposed by the strong medicine her doctors fed her. Her frail, thin body was crammed into the bed with pillows. It was truly a miracle that y/n still had her hair on her skull without losing it too, just like she lost her beauty along with her hope of living.

Y/n was bedridden. She has spent and will continue to spend her entire life from her hospital bed staring up at the dull black and white splotched ceiling.

Her weak pulse was constantly beeped at by a heart monitor to her right, and an IV is dripping clear liquid into her veins directly next to it

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Her weak pulse was constantly beeped at by a heart monitor to her right, and an IV is dripping clear liquid into her veins directly next to it. Y/n doesn't remember the last time she wasn't wired up with needles in her arms, hands, or even wrists if the nurse gave her a bad stab that day.

Now nineteen years old, Y/n can't remember how her parents look or the last time they came to visit. They'd stopped coming a while ago, saying they'd call, but they never did if it wasn't necessary. Y/n was dying; they'd accepted that years ago, so they'd basically already mourned. Y/n was already dead to them, besides the monthly hospital bills that proved her liveliness. Was she bitter? No, She was not bitter, she was not hateful, and she was not unforgiving. She just don't like them. Y/n had the time to mourn for herself as well being cooped up like this. To her, her parents were dead, just as she was to them.

"Good morning, y/n. How are you feeling today?" Y/n's favorite nurse entered her room. Well, her private room. A gift from her parents essentially saying they cared enough to not have her stuck in a room with some wheezing, bed wetting old timer with congestive heart failure.

"Same as always, Yu-jin," y/n answered tiredly. She waited for Yu-jin to pull open the curtains, let the light touch her pale, frail face. Her tiny, brittle body needed the sunlight, but she hadn't been outside in ages.

"I've got a gift for you," Yu-jin excitedly whispers. Y/n's eyes drift from the ceiling to where she stands at the end of her bed, holding a clipboard. Raising an eyebrow, she waited for her to say she snuck her more caramel pudding for lunch today-she hated butter pecan. Instead, she reaches into her pocket, pulling something from her fist. "Remember when I told you a story about a castle? You said you have never seen a castle before?"

"Yeah, you said it was one of the most beautiful things someone can ever see. And did you forget that I haven't left the hospital bed since ever" Y/n props herself up by holding the button that moves her bed up so she can see her better.

"Well, I brought something back from a shop in Daegu. Oh, do you remember that I told you that I went to visit my family in Daegu last weekend?" Yu-jin walks over and opens her fist, revealing a glass figure of the Sleeping Beauty castle. It was delicate and crafted finely, very beautiful indeed.

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