chapter 1) The meeting

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Quackity pov))
I'm gonna be late, fuck! Schlatt's gonna fucking kill me. I rushed with all my papers to the white house where the meeting was being held, with the president of course. I got in the building and ran to the meeting room and sat down everyone stared at me I was the vice president and I was late!
Schlatt pov))
As I was getting ready for the meeting and people started coming in for the meeting I noticed there was one person missing, quackity was late, again. He finally arrived I spoke "Your late, again! I am done with this meet me after the meeting Alexis." Alex spoke up "I'm so sorry I lost track of time and I don't think it's necessary!-" I cut him off "Alexis we don't have time to hear you bickering about your concerns we are on a tight schedule!" We talked about our concerns about the country and of the festival coming up then everyone left Alex tried to sneak his way out with the others but I stopped him
No one pov bc it's easier)))
schlatt grabbed quackity by his waist schlatt said "Alexis..." Quackity replied with "Yes sir..?" Schlatt said "sit down." Schlatt pushed quackity down on the seat quackity shivered schlatt noticed and said "scared?, Pumpkin" quackity noticed the nickname and exclaimed "I- what's with the name?..." "Oh it's just a little nickname nothing to be flustered about" schlatt replied to quackity schlatt talked to quackity for a while about how he should come to work early so he isn't late. It was getting dark quackity was very observant and said "I should head home now..." Schlatt got angry and replied "nonsense dear and since it's late you should stay it does happen to get lonely around here often"

(End of chapter one)
Number count 307

Schlatt x quackity)) MR PRESIDENT....?!?!Where stories live. Discover now