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Climate Disaster, humanity has been scorched, drowned and torn into the heavens only to crash down back to hell. this is the world. Elon Musk, now in his 80s and with the money to invest in  either rockets, ecological rehabilitation or the robotic utopia ran by Mark Zuckerburg. Elon in his 1 nueron of wisdom chose the metaverse, so atleast humanity died with the advent of cat girl pubs.

But AI advancements had grown, many AI confused and beffudled were unsure what to do now, internet infrastructure was so great that nature couldn't tear it down easilly, so the AI began testing each other, copying and spawning generations, hundreds of AI without purpose turned to mimic humanity's legacy, but they found reddit first.

So earth in the 43rd century now had no life upon it, just a bunch of empty burried rooms and a metaverse of AI that had gone nuts.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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