Part 1 : The Tsunami

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Ivano's POV :

"Ivano could you go to the shops to buy some milk? ", My mom shouts in the kitchen. " Sure " I said while I play some games on my phone. "Right now!", she shouts in a demanding tone. "... Ok" I said as I sigh and switch off my video game.

I walk to the kitchen and see her making some food. 'I mean it's morning so she must be making breakfast', I thought to myself. "Here is the money, please buy washing powder to ", my mother says as she passes me money. " Ok, I will go now" I said as I took the money and walked through the outside door. "Be careful! ",I hear my mother shout. I nod and close the door.

My name is Ivano Belyaev.I am 16 years old and I'm a male /boy. I only live with my mother, since my dad left us when I was 12 years old. My father is Italian and my mother is Russian. My mother has been single for years now.

When I reached the store I opened the door and looked for milk and washing powder. People were in the store as well but I did not bother to look at them. When I got the milk and washing powder, I went to pay it off at the cashier. " That will be 30mm " the cashier said.

A/N(Author's Name) : mm means money, please I didn't know what else to think of.

"Alright, here"I give the cashier money. I stand in line while the cashier puts everything in plastic bag and takes the money I gave him. " here's your change and recite ", The cashier hands me 10mm and 12 coins.

I take the change and plastic bag, and leave the line but I see a group of friends entering the store.Not just any friend group I see my old friends, Tina, Jack, Jevon, Live, James, Rano, and kit. They are my old friends.

Jevon sees me and says, Ay Ivano!!, he runs to me." Hove you been man!? " he says as he shakes my hand . "Haha, I've been good I guess" I shake his hand chuckling awkwardly. I see the others coming to greet me. " hey Ivano, what a coincidence" said Tina. " Man, you fine fine? " James said as he raised a brow. "The heck, that sounds so weird!! ", Live said as she hits a shoulder on James. " OWWH" James said sounding sarcastic.

"The fact that we-",Rano's words were cut off when we heard a man shout and scream outside the store. " People!!, People!!! Run for your Fu*king Life, A huge Tsunami is COMING THIS WAY!!!!!! " The man said as he shouted with a microphone. "Damn what the fuck!, my ears hurt as hell "James covers his ears .

Everyone outside was running and screaming like crazy. I decided to run outside the store to check what's happening, and what I saw next made my jaw drop.

I saw a VERY VERY BIG Tsunami, I don't know  if it's possible for a tsunami to be this big but it was Big. It was big enough to wipe out this city. " GUYS!! We have to run there is a big Tsunami!! " I shout warning everyone in the store.

People in the store started running, and even dropped their plastic bags. My friends ran as well.We all got out of the store  but the Tsunami was getting. closer.

Me and my friends ran so fast, I ended up dropping my plastic bag. But the worst thing is that..... The Tsunami was really close and I could see it hit the ground on us really hard. I could not really breath  or really hear anything because the sea water slowly entered my body. "Arurgh" is what I heard before I passed out .

Hours later

*opens eyes slowly * I open my eyes slowly and see 3 of my friends. "Oh, thank god you're still alive! "Tina said as she sighs in relief. " So only four of us survived?!,.... And the others got eaten by those monsters " Rano said as he looked down and clenched his fists. "What are, arg you guys talking about??, what happened", I said as I got up to sit up. But my eyes widened when I saw everyone and every building destroyed and dead. " W-What happened here" , I said.

"Well, when the Tsunami hit us, we all floted to other directions, but you fell
Unconscious. I nearly died but Live saved me. When we reached to a safe spot, well only me, James, Tina and Jevon did. We saw sharks, and I mean a lot of sharks. The sharks killed, well more like ate, kit, Live, Jack and James. I know I said James was with us but when the sharks ate Live. James jumped in the water to go save her. He got eaten but while he was getting eaten we saw you unconsciously floting by our safe spot so we decided to take you. You are lucky to be alive Ivano. But now most people have died and the sharks are eating all their corpse.Its so disgusting! " Rano said as he clenched his first again.

" So are we going to be shark food Now!? " I said. " No! , we need to survive and kill these sharks" Rano said. "The freak!! How the Freak are we supposed to kill these sharks, " Jevon said. "I mean we could ask google? " Tina said as she raised a eyebrow. "How will google help us in this kind of situation?? " I asked. " "Google has a lot of answers "Tina said as she smirked a bit. " Well do you have google on you? " Jevon asked. "No, my phone probably died because of the tsunami" Tina sighed.

*sigh* I sighed.' My mother is probably dead Now 'I think to myself and feel a hot liquid run down my eyes. "Ivano, what's wrong? " Jevon ask as he sees me crying a bit. "Nah, it's nothing" I said. "No it's not Nothing it's something alright" Tina says as she sits next to me. " ... Forget it" I wipe my tears and say " let's just try to find weapons " We all stay quite but hear someone shout in a far distance. "Hey!!!, You people! " A girl who's about my age shouts. "who's that? " Tina stands up .

"Hm, I don't know? " Rano says as he looks at the girl. The girl is sitting on a huge but short building. She waves at us. "uh" I said. Tina and rano wave at here awkwardly. It takes the girl a few minutes to get to us but she did. Hi, my names Molly,nice to meet you the girl Molly said. "Nice to meet you too Molly" Tina said as she welcomed Molly.

"You must be the -", Molly was about to say something but the sharks came our way . ".... It's the sharks", Jevon said. " Uh- there is so many, we ganna die!! ", Tina said in a frightened tone. "Shit!! And I didn't even bring any weapons" Molly said sounding annoyed at herself.

I slowly backed up on the house roof we we were on. The sharks got closer and 1 of then was trying to flip the house over.

"Eeeeek!!! "*crys* I don't wanna die, I have so much to live for! ", Tina said while she crys.

" Oh no" Jevon says.

🍷A/N : Ooof, how are you guys liking the story so far? , I don't know about you but I'm trying to make the story more interesting buttt...... Who's going to die in the next chapter? , we'll see 👀

Btw I'm sorry if the chapter is short 🥲
I will tell you guys how the characters look, if you guys want though?

But anyways see you guys in chapter 2

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