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Walking the path of yaoguang shoal, the blonde child sighs. It was nearing sunset, she hadn't sold any of her wares for the day, and her stomach was aching, an effect of barely getting food to eat. People either ignored her or declined politely. They always continue to shrug her off, she thought. 

Ningguang had nowhere to go home. She makes her way to the little cave she found prior to roaming around. She's got a few rations left, and technically, her head's been aching very hard over hunger. Her barefoot's aching, burning even from walking mindlessly without any sort of protection for her feet. She passes by a new, small hut nearby the cave she currently resides in. Curious, she stares for a moment before finally continuing her walk. Suddenly, she trips over a plant she hadn't seen, falling down in the process. She winces at the sudden pain in her knees, and when she touches them, she feels the red liquid dripping down her legs. She was used to getting wounds. As someone who doesn't do anything than wander around, she's sure to get a few injuries. 

What she wasn't used to, was the tiny girl who ran to her, noticing her pathetic state of tripping over a plant. 

''Oh my god! are you okay?!'' ningguang stared at her, before looking down on her bloodied knees. She attempts to stand up, wobbling. 

''Im fine.'' she answers coldly. She was about to fall again due to her knees' lack of strength, but the girl quickly links her arms with ningguang's, preventing her from falling.

''You sure are silly.. come! ill treat your wounds'', the girl happily takes a confused ningguang to her hut, not sure what to feel. Ningguang didn't want to be in debt to someone.

 The girl lets ningguang sit down on a chair. The hut wasn't too big, but not too small either. it was actually perfect, in ningguang's eyes. It had a small dining room, a small bed but enough for two tiny kids, and the cabinets were full of snacks and drinks. 

The girl kneels, grabbing a kit full of medicine under the bed. Ningguang only watches her in curiosity. The girl grabs a piece of cotton, applying an anti-infection liquid to it. 

''this might hurt, but you can squeeze my hand if it makes you feel better. okay?'' she tells ningguang. no words were spoken, she nods, grabbing ahold of the girl's warm hands, and not too long, she felt a stinging pain on her knees. Wincing, she squeezes the girl's hand, and the girl squeezes it back, offering a silent comfort. 

After minutes full of holding hands and stinging knees, ningguang finally relaxed. The girl sat beside her after tucking away the medkit under the bed, where it previously was.

''you know, I never got your name,'' she pointed out. She takes ningguang's hand and shakes it, ''im y/n, by the way.''

Ningguang hums. ''My name is ningguang. Do you live here?'' 

''Yup! it's my tiny hut near our house, but I wanted to be responsible when I grow up so my parents made me this tiny house!! do you like it?'' y/n rambles happily, and ningguang does nothing but listen, her ears focused on the sound of the girl's voice.

''Yes. I like it.'' she responds.

''But what about you? where do you live?'' 

Ningguang's eyebrows furrows, ''im homeless.'' she states bluntly.

Y/n gasps. ''oh. I'm so sorry! you can live here though because you're my new friend!'' 

Ningguang's eyes slightly widens at the proposal. ''No it's fine. i will just visit from time to time.'' she didn't want to burden y/n.

Y/n narrows her eyes. ''Do you promise you will come here and visit me?'', she holds out her pinky.

Ningguang does the same, intertwining their pinkies. 

''i promise.''

''Now come! let's eat!'' y/n pulls her to the dining room,  pulling out snacks and eating them with ningguang, who had a tiny smile the entire time.

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