Supernatural Academy-1

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Day 1- 6:00 AM

My daily routine complies waking up, going to school and coming home. I don’t live in a fancy home or drive a fancy car. I’m just your average high school girl from a working class family. I have a brother named Ethan aged 17 and a mom and dad called Erika and Paul. To anyone else we would come as a happy, loving family who joke and actually care about one another. But behind the doors of our ‘family’ home it’s not all just happy families. It’s complete hell.

Family such a fun word to say- well all I can say about family is that it sucks.  I’m going to let you guys in on a little secret. You see...My daily routine also includes getting beat by my all so loving father and have abusive language shouted at me by my mother. My brother and my parents continuously argue and Ethan continuously runs away. Legally he is no minor. So why does he not just pack up and go you say? He is too scared to leave his poor defenceless sister behind. He once tried to get me to run away with him one night my dad came home drunk but I resisted. I knew when the cops found us and bring us home I would get one hell of a beat. I just couldn’t handle that.

Tell the police? I couldn’t make myself do that. I may hate the way my parents treat me but...deep down I know I still love them.

“Hey sport” my brother walked up to me and leaned against the locker next to mine. I smiled at him “Hey Ethan” he eyed my wrists that showed bruising and faint blade cuts. I moved my bangles so they hid them “Did dad give you those bruises?” I slammed my locker door and held my books to my chest “Yes” I whispered. Ethan took deep breaths to calm his temper. I know he hates it; he hates how I’m used as a rag doll. He is well aware of me slitting my wrists but leaves me to handle my pain myself. He knows he can’t do anything about it. I won’t let him. “Please, when we get home, don’t do anything stupid. Promise?” I silently said as we entered the library. He licked his lips “Promise”. I caught site of summer, Craig and Rozzy and smiled their way. They were part of me and my brother’s best friends. His were probabley off violating the school rules.

“Sammie!” I flopped down on the chair to the table we sat at. “Hi guys” I said in a hushed tone. I opened up my text book and scribbled down some notes. “Hey Ethan, Rose was practically hunting you down earlier. Said if I see you, I should tell you she needs to speak...Dude that girl has serious mental problems” Ethan groaned and sat back in his chair “That girl is a pain in the ass!” I snickered and patted my brother on the back “I will pray for you brother” the only person who knew of me and my brothers situation was summer and Rick which was one of Ethan’s friend. Cool dude. “Heads up Eth” I smirked and eyed the girl in campaign shorts, white vest top and four inch heels.


Rose. Geez she sends shivers down my spine. “Shit” he breathed. She scrutinized him and strutted over to our table. She was pretty I had to admit but god she was a total bitch! Let me give you a clearer picture of her. She is your typical high school drama queen. Blonde wavy locks, deep intimidating blue eyes and model like legs. AND...Everyone on this table hates her. “Babe can we talk” she stood with her hands placed on her hips. “Whatever you have to say you can say in front of them” I was surprised when Ethan said that. He is usually very private when it comes to his private life. Did I mention Ethan was dating Rose? Guess not. She is the clingy type, Ethan doesn’t do clingy.

She eyed us all and looked back at Ethan. “I’ll call you later” she said simply and walked off out the door with her clones traipsing after her like lost puppies. Last bell went for school and I walked home not bothering with Ethan. He has some stuff he needs to sort out and plus he doesn’t need to be at home seeing as my dad is at a meeting and mom is at her book club till 9:00. I unlocked my front door and dropped my bag to the floor. I checked the mail and walked into the back room where I could hear the television. Ethan couldn’t be home before me could he? I popped my head in and nearly screamed “D-dad” I said lightly. He didn’t look my way once, just kept concentrating on the soccer match that was playing.

“Go get me beer from the fridge” I hesitated, looking him over. He was still in his working clothes: white shirt, Black tie and trousers. He had already drunk 5 cans. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and opened it then gave it to my father. I stood there stupidly fiddling with my fingers “So what you doing h-home so early, Dad...?” he slowly turned to look at me with hatred and disgust. “Are you questioning me?” He set his can down and slowly got to his feet. I was breathing heavily, taking in short deep breaths. I knew what was coming and god I hated it. “No! Never” I took a shakily step back and blinked the tears out of my eyes. “Yes you were. What gives you the fucking right to question your own father!” He came at me and grabbed my arm roughly. I couldn’t resist I let out all my tears and screamed for him to let go. “SHUTUP!” He screamed back at me.

“Stop it!” He wacked me across the face and pushed me to the ground. I slid across the floor of my bedroom with my hand against my cheek “If I see you out of your room” He shook his head; lost for words and walked off back downstairs.

I got on my bed and curled up in a tight ball, crying myself to sleep.

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