Chapter One: You're safe with me

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Of course it's in the middle of the woods! We can never find someone who needs help in the suburbs or an apartment complex. This house looks like no one has lived in it for 50 years, I can't believe an entire family lives here.

We had gotten an email from a girl named Amelia that told us her parents and siblings have been acting really weird since they came back from a camping trip. She sent us a video of her parents and brother sitting at the dining room table with plates of raw chicken in the dark when her brother said "Come join us."

"Parker, are you sure we should be here? It sounds like she should just call the police!" Of course I was also a tiny bit scared too, but Parker doesn't need to know that.

"Dude, she needs our help now. Try to have some empathy, she's really struggling." He also adds an eye roll to further dismiss my questioning. For once I wish he'd listen to me, but nope! Chester's alway wrong!

I slam the car door behind me and yes, I did accidentally scare myself and jump at the noise. Parker gives me a look that says "seriously dude?" What can I say? Sometimes I'm just jumpy. Especially when we are going inside a decrepit house with 3 possibly crazy people! Every time we get an email, I just wish I could have Parker go alone, but I never can. He could get hurt with all the dumb and crazy decisions he makes.

As we approach the front door I see a glimpse of a tall man in the upstairs window. It must be her dad or brother. Parker's fist knocking on the door shakes me from my thoughts. After a couple moments of silence, the door creaks open.

An angry looking tall girl with dark brown hair opens the door. I exchanged looks with Parker.

"Hi, we are looking for Amelia?" Parker's words don't seem to process in her brain immediately.

"You're lookin at 'er." We are both surprised by her thick country accent. In the video she sent us, she definitely didn't sound like this.

"Uh... You contacted us regarding your family acting strange?" Again his words seem to take her a while to process. Eventually her eyes light up with realization and she takes a step closer to us

"Ohhh! Yer the boys who are gonna 'elp me, right?" Parker backs up from her.

"Can we come in and ask you some questions?" She nods to us in response and widens the door so we can enter. Only one light is on in her house, the one in the living room. Dirty dinner plates and garbage litter the table and floors. It's hard to contain my disgust with the surroundings.

"Y'all can sit down right 'ere and y'all can asks me 'ome questions." We both sit on the rotting wooden chairs. To be fair, they do match the rest of the house. I pull out one of our cameras and set it up next to the table.

"So, when did you first notice your family acting strange?" He folds his hands in front of him on the table.

"Well, almost immediately when my folks gotten home from campin'. Papa seemed to of grown at least one 7up bottle more! His arms hang so much lower now. I'm concerned for 'is health." Ameilia stares at me the entire time she speaks.

"What strange things has your mother and brother been doing?" A slight smile flickers on her face before quickly disappearing back into a frown. Her eyes continue to bore a hole into my head. A slight tap on my foot causes me to jump.

"Sorry darlin', that's just little ol' me, being friendly." Parker clears his throat and she seems to get the message to answer his question.

"They aren't as bad. Neither of them talk no more. Last words my brother said were in that video that I sent y'all. Both of their hairs have darkened to a deep black and both of them eyes are droopy now. Even now y'all will see." She's cut off by the sounds of running feet in the hallway behind us. Again a smile spreads on her face, but this time it stays.

"I don't think I should say anymore." She twirls a lock of her hair and bites her lip. I nudge Parker to continue.

"Well, uh, why don't we set up the cameras and you can get ready for bed. When they are all ready we'll come get you, how does that sound?" Parker tries to give her a reassuring smile.

"Okay, sounds purtty good boys. Y'all's room is the second one to the left upstairs." She walks herself out of the room, letting her hand trail down my back. We eventually hear her footsteps up the stairs.

"Dude, we should just leave. This place is super creepy. Plus she was staring at me the whole time and she touched my back!" Parker huffs in annoyance.

"Can you just listen to me and help set up the camera?" His angry voice always causes me to listen. This lady is terrifying and I just want to go home.

After we finish setting up all the cameras we knock on Amelia's door. Her door swings open and she greets us with an unnerving smile. Again, staring only at me.

"We just finished setting up the cameras and now we are heading to bed. Do you need anything before we head to bed?" Her smile deepened.

"Well I could always need you." She attempts to grab my shirt, but I stumble back. Parker catches me by my waist just in time.

"Uh... please don't say things like that, or we are going to have to leave. I can't have you making Chester uncomfortable like that." Parker keeps me slightly behind him. I can't believe he actually stood up for me.

"Oh I'm sorry y'all! I just got a bit ahead of myself! I didn't mean no harm." She puts her hands up innocently.

"Okay, thank you for understanding. We are going to bed now, tomorrow morning we can look over the footage." Before she even shuts the door, Parker grabs me by the wrist and pulls me to the room she told us to. Shutting the door behind us he pulls me closer and looks all over my face.

"Dude, are you okay? I'm sorry she tried to touch you, I should've listened." Concern covers his face as a blush covers mine.

"Yeah bro, I'm okay, thank you for standing up for me." He places his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Chester, I'll always be here to protect you. No one will hurt you, not on my watch."

With her ear against the door, Ameilia thinks, "Challenge accepted."

Thank you all for reading this new story. Hopefully I'll keep up with this! If enough people actually like this, then I'll continue! Comments always fuel my creativity!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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