Best friends brother jelena love story ep.1

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My name is Selena Gomez and I'm 16 years old. I hate my life my mom died 2 years ago and since then my dad is abusive nobody knows not even my best friend Demi.

My name is Demi Bieber and i'm 16 years old. I love my life except for my stupid brother he is 2 years older than me and he keeps bothering me his name is Justin.

My name is Justin Bieber and I'm 18 years old I love my life but I kind of have a slight crush on my sisters best friend Selena but she doesn't like me back.

On with the story

Selena's P.O.V

Today I woke up to same routine as always my dad entering my room he took me by my hair and led me down stairs

SD: make me breakfast you worthless kid

Selena: stop it it hurts (trying to get out of her fathers grip)

SD: (throws her on the floor) hurry up I'm starving

Selena: (crying)I'm going (making him breakfast and goes to get ready for school)

At school

Selena: hey Demz how's it going (puts on a fake smile)

Demi: cool but you don't look fine are you okay? (Concerned)

Selena: yea I'm fine (smiles) hey can I crash at you place tonight my dad is going on a business trip and I don't want to be alone (lying)

Demi: yea sure (smiles)

Bell rings

Selena: see ya later

Demi: yea bye

After school (nothin really happend so)

At Demi's house

Demi: hey are you sure you are fine?

Selena: yea I am why?

Demi: you seem a little down lately. So lets watch a movie while eating ice cream and popcorn

Selena: fine I'll get the movie you get the food (smiles)

Demi: fine

Selena: (setting the movie)

Justin: (walks down stairs) hey were's Demi?

Selena: getting the food we are going to watch a movie

Justin: cool can I stay?

Selena: sure just deal with Demi

Justin: (laughs) yea

Demi: (comes in with the food and some drinks) what are you doing here get out

Justin: no let me stay this is my house to

Demi: uugggg!!!! Fine (to Selena) what are we watching)

Selena: (smiles evil) a scary movie

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2013 ⏰

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