1. the meeting

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A/N: this is a great song you should listen to it 

POV Wednesday

Watching my parents be lovey with each other makes me what to pick my eyes out and feed them to the birds that passed by. I'm being sent to Nevermore academy and this is the first step in my parent's plan to make me just like them, the next step is for me to fall in love yeah I know me Wednesday Addams in love never, but I guess they can hope.

Then my father asked "what's wrong my little rainstorm" the fact that you are sending me to Nevermore I know no one there my mother cut me off and said that I do Xavier Thorpe. Xavier's dad is my parent's friend, and he had like a huge crush on me last time we saw each other, but that was when we were 10, so maybe we could be "friends".

POV Enid

Ms. Weems called me in to her office, I thought she found out that Ajax and I had a smoke sesh last week, but she was just telling me that I have to give the new girl a tour, and she will be my roommate her name is Wednesday Addams got to go do my research on her now. 10 minutes later, damn Wednesday is really fucking weird, but it says she hates color so let me get some of my colorful shit off her side, maybe she's not as weird as it says. Ms. Weems said she will be here in half an hour, so I should go down and wait for her.

POV Wednesday

We finally arrive at Nevermore and I can see this girl with blonde hair with pink and blue tips, she's beautiful I accidentally say out loud "what was that dear" my mother asked nothing I quickly say that was close why did I even say that what's wrong with me. We get out of the car and the blonde girl starts talking her voice, I could listen to it for hours, she said her name is Enid Sinclair.

POV Enid

As the Addams get out of their car, I see Wednesday she looks like she just got out of a colorless movie, I introduce my self. Hi, I'm Enid Sinclair, I will be Wednesday tour guild and roommate I see Wednesdays face change a little maybe she does not like me.

A/N: This is my first fanfic, I hope it does not suck. 

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