"It will all be alright"

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"Hey Wednesday?" Enid whispers to Addams across the room.

"Hm?" Says Wednesday in recognition of Sinclair's awakening.

"You should really get some sleep. It's 12am and I don't think you will be in the best mood tomorrow", Enid says before a long yawn then rubbing her eyes.

"I can't Enid. I have to finish this project for tomorrow otherwise I'm going to fail", Wednesday replies in her usual, dull tone.

She was unable to finish her project in the week's timeframe her teacher gave her, due to her investigation on the Hyde.

"Go back to sleep I'll be done soon."

But little did Enid know, she would not be done soon. In fact, she only finished the project at 6 in the morning and only got 10 minutes of sleep.

"Morning roomie!" Enid greets Wednesday in her ordinary cheerful tone.

Wednesday is still in bed, barely awake.

"Speak to me like that again and I'll rip out your vocal cords", Wednesday threatens as she pulls her blanket over her head.

"Wednesday what time did you go to bed?" Enid asks, clearly sensing Wednesday was probably going to murder someone today.

Wednesday ignores her. "Thing?" Enid turns to the hand.

"6 in the morning", Thing signs. Wednesday shoves Thing off the bed with an annoyed grunt.

"Wednesday!!" Enid groans. "You have 10 minutes to get out of bed and get ready before I drag you."

"I would honestly rather stub my toe," Wednesday muffles, still hiding from the universe in her covers.

Exactly half an hour passes of threats, whining, and yelling, Enid finally gives in and let's Wednesday go in her own time. Knowing damn well she would of gotten her hand cut off if she stayed in the room any longer.

"Where's Wednesday?" Yoko asks while starting to walk with Enid to class.

"Still in the room", Enid groans," She got 10 minutes of sleep last night so you guys better watch out. I've already been threatened 10 times this morning and it's not even 8am yet."

Yoko chuckles and Enid just stares at her with disapproval in her eyes.

Wednesday finally shows up half way through 1st period and everyone goes silent. The brunette has eye bags darker than a cave and her skin is paler than the clouds.

"Yep. She's gonna be a ray of sunshine today", Yoko whispers sarcastically to Bianca.

"Where have you been Miss Addams?" The professor asks, sternly.

Wednesday turns around with daggers in her eyes and gives the professor a long, cold, mean stare, then continues to walk to her desk where Xavier awaits. Yoko and Enid sitting not far behind.

"Uh okay.. b-back to the board everyone", professor stutters at the encounter.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed", Xavier jokes.

Wednesday grabs his pen and stabs right in between his fingers, missing them by a half of a millimetre. "Take a hint." She growled, staring him down so hard, she was basically staring a hole right through him.

Xavier, shocked, slowly backs his hand away and doesn't say another word for the rest of the lesson.

As Wednesday walks through the halls, Enid by her side, death-staring anyone who gets in her path, let alone look at her.

"Take a breath, Wednesday. It'll be alright", Enid smiles softly.

Oddly, Wednesday takes her advice. Because she knew that if she didn't calm down she probably would have stabbed at least 10 people by the end of the day. Including a few teachers.

When lunch finally came, everyone sat at a lunch table together. Too many people for Wednesday. Enid, Yoko, Xavier, Bianca, Divina, Ajax and Kent.

Wednesday absolutely hated when people smacked on their food. The munching really got to her head. And don't even get her started on loud, unnecessary and obnoxious laughing and talking. It gave her a headache.

"So Wednesday, what made you so grouchy?", Ajax scoffed, clearly not taking the hint that he could get skinned alive in the next 5 seconds if he didn't shut his gob.

Enid kicked him from under the table and gave him a look that said something along the lines of ,"I swear if Wednesday doesn't kill you, I will."

"Ajax I'm 2 seconds away from ripping the snakes out of your brainless head and feeding them to sharks", Wednesday threatens, slightly shouting.

The table goes quiet. Ajax acted as if he wouldn't get threatened by the one and only Wednesday Addams when that sentence came out of his mouth.

"ANYWAY", Enid continues to, awkwardly, change the subject.

Another 5 minutes go past of munching, laughing, chatters and pointless squeals when Wednesday starts to absolutely lose it.

Her palms start to get sweaty and the room starts to spin. Her breathing slowly but surely gets heavier and heavier. She puts her hands on her ears as an attempt to stop this sensory overload but it's too late.

She's now panicking but, luckily, no one has noticed. Yet.

She takes deep breaths just like Enid told her to earlier, but the noises just kept going. She lays her head on the table to try to muffle her breathing but she starts to sob. Wednesday was now starting to realise she needed her sleep. And this was why.

Everything is spinning and she's still trying to slow her breathing. Her ears are ringing as this is too much to handle.

Enid looks over to check on her dark haired friend to see her situation.

"Wednesday?!" Enid whispers, trying to hide from the rest of the table the fact that Wednesday was obviously not okay.

Wednesday's soft cries and breathing is continuing to get louder, then as she feared, all the attention was on her. Everything goes quiet.

You could hear a pin drop.

Suddenly, she gets pulled into a hug. A huge, comforting hug by her colourful friend. She doesn't resist, because she knew she needed it.

Her table starts to whisper. But not in a judging way, in a generally worried way.

"It'll be alright Wednesday", Enid says softly,"I'm right here."

Wednesday starts to regain her balance and become intact with reality. Her breathing calms, and the sobbing stops. Then, she hugs Enid back. The warmth of the hug was so...relaxing. So calming. She wished she could stay in that moment forever.

"Let's go Wednesday. You need to sleep", Enid says soothingly as she escorts her dear friend to their room. "It will all be alright."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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