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"But, Error! Please give them a chance! I believe they could be a great help defending the balance of the multiverse!" Ink said pouting, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, anticipating. He could just fight Error back, but he saw the possibility of changing the Destroyer's mind and was now holding onto that hope like a drowning man.

"I know you'd appreciate some help, even if you don't want to admit it..."

Ink began singing a slightly different tune to try and persuade his one and only sworn enemy. 'Quote unquote'.

"They would help me hold the stability of the already existing AUs, so you wouldn't have to worry about them collapsing and starting the domino effect you are so afraid of." Upon hearing those last words spilled from Ink's mouth before he could stop himself, Error growled. The squid seriously had no filter...

Ink would bite his lip if he had one.

"Ehm... anyway!" He tried to steal the Destroyer's attention from his unfortunate phrasing by continuing the plan to change his mind.

"Those elements are the building blocks of everything around us! It would be so useful to have them help us, don't you think?"

Error was now frowning. Good sign! He was listening!

"Aaaaand..." Began Ink, a masterfull plan already coming together in his cunning mind.

"You could use up the time you'd waste on 'working', by watching that weird show of yours you love so much."

Ink could have sworn he saw a blue tinted blush creep it's way up Error's cheeks. He wouldn't mention it though. Not if he wanted to keep his dignity by not being tied up hanging in the anti-void for a week or two. Again. No fun.

"Let's see if they're worth it." Error grumbled after what felt like
an eternity. Ink blinked. Once. Then twice. His eyelights rapidly changing shapes until they landed on an orange exclamation mark and a yellow star.

"Wait, really?" He squealed and ran up to Error to hug him. He stopped himself soon enough not to get a slipper in his face. He used to forget little things... Little unimportant things... just like Error's HAPHEPHOBIA for christ's sake. He scratched his own skull in an awkward gesture and smiled.

"Sorry..." He mumbled apologetically at Error who was now looking like if Ink dared to make an another step towards him, he'd loose a limb. Well he shouldn't have agreed to this little game the Creator was surely playing on him in the first place... He knew better. But how could he say no to a sad blue droplet and a hopeful yellow sun which looked at him, making the complete set of the other's pleading eyes...

And in that moment of the sweet little victory for the Painter, he took his brush and set to work.

An alternate universe for four Sanses. Well if that wasn't a challenge, Ink didn't know what was. Surely it would be easier to let them live in their own timelines but... The human that created them, abandoned the process in it's early stage.

But it was such a nice idea!

Ink loved creative humans with new ideas and interesting scripts for unique AUs; he was really lucky to stand watch or lend a helping hand, if they showed the interest. This particular human had just bitten off more than they could chew. Not one AU, but four at once! They wanted to work simultaneously on four different worlds! No wonder they gave up so soon after picking up the pen. Luckily they put in enough work for Ink to scramble the pieces together and add his own little magical touch to save what could be saved and salvage what little information the human left behind.

Four Sanses, four elements. He could see the potential... And what Creator and Protector of the multiverse he would be if he just left the poor creations unfinished, albeit erased, by the Destroyer? No... he would work hard and save the poor souls! He'll give them purpose. He'll let them live by their own rules. Oh, and of course he'll show Error that Ink was right and they can be a great help to the whole multiverse! Take that!

Fire, water, air and earth. Four elements which composed everything around us; safe from magic. Magic was the power holding them together. Magic brought life to monsters. Magic was essential. No one here could live without it and yet... It was not always used for good.

Four elements. Four Sanses. One alternative universe.

"Well this is going to be interesting."


Hi! Author here!

This is my first time ever publishing a story so please be nice haha. English also isn't my first language so I am sorry in advance for any grammatical mistakes you might encounter. I'd be more that happy if you could point them out!

Please let me know if you are interested in this AU or if you like my way of writing so I'd know if I should continue, thank you so much!❤️

Picture by itsnzilann.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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