Hot Cocoa is a Cure all

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You paused as your hand clasped the door to the local candy store, what was it you had been sent to get? Jaw breakers and... damnit you couldn't remember. You quickly slid your phone from you pocket to ask your friend what else they requested, you'd be hanging out later and this was your snack offer so you should follow through. Your fingers begin clicking away, just as you try to hit send the screen goes black. "Shit." You mutter softly. You'd have to find a charger asap. Finally pulling the store door open a little bell sounds your arrival. Maybe one of the store employees could lend you theirs.

"Hello! Welcome to-" the males voice trailed off into an enthusiastically lacked mutter and you couldn't even make out the rest of his sentence, you gazed in the direction of the voice but no one was there.

"Hmm." You mumbled softly.

"What's that?" The voice suddenly reappeared loudly as a man ducked up above the counter holding a box of stock candy, you had jumped in response not expecting him to be there.

"I um didn't say anything." You responded, the worker hadn't even looked at you yet, and when he did the box in his hand instantly dropped back to the floor behind the counter. You heard little pieces of candy scatter and spin across the hard checkered tile.

"I didn't mean to scare you!" Both of you awkwardly explained at once. Wow. You blinked at him a few times processing what had just happened. A smirk forms across your face and then his, the little grins broke into soft laughter that quickly died down between the two of you, the candy man wiping a tear.

"I'm so sorry-" he began to explain. "Let's try that again. How can I help ya miss?" Kevin leaned his elbow on the counter rather casually, but the more he gazed at you the more nervous and none smoothe he began to seem. Was he trembling even? You stared at him for a few awkward silent moments before answering.

"Ah yeah I'm here for jaw breakers for my pal but uh, my phone died and they needed something else I couldn't recall. Do you... have a charger you could lend me?" Kevin almost appeared to be sweating as he stuttered softly offering his hand out for your phone.

"Ah yeah! There's one right here behind the counter actually, I can charge it for ya." You nod and reach to hand him your phone, accidentally touching his hand in the process.

"Ah- heh- ha-" He laughed nervously, as you both froze, him being the one to finally pull away to plug your phone in. You could've sworn he whimpered, clasping your hand over your mouth and rushing to an isle that hid you from his sight. The interaction gave you butterflies in your tummy as you regathered yourself amongst the shelves of candy.

"Get it together he's just the candy store guy. Oh but he's so cute." You whisper softly patting your own cheeks as if it would bring you down from your flurrying thoughts. After getting yourself contained you begin walking the isles, trying to spot the jaw breakers. Another candy called out to you however, a little bucket of cotton candy actually. That was what your friend wanted! And it was rather conveniently placed next to the jaw breakers. Plucking them both off the shelves you return to the man at the counter placing the items to be rang up. He perked up at the site of you and tilted his head as he began to speak.

"Ah find what ya needed? Your phones at ten percent that's probably perfect to get you back home at least." You reached to take your phone but he held it a second longer as he continued. "And um I really hope you don't mind." You could tell he was becoming nervous and fidgety as he scratched his head and sighed softly. "I added my number to your notes with my name, it's uh Kevin by the way." Kevin's face had become as red as the candy he sold as he finished his sentence, you felt your cheeks become a little heated as well.

"O-oh." You smiled softly as he eventually handed you your phone and scooted your items back to you, but you hadn't even paid yet. "I-"

He interrupted you "The candies on me wether you call me or not heh. It's my treat really. I don't get cuties so often." You held the candy to your face trying to hide the red tint that would've given away your embarrassment of the compliments and to make things worse, You walked out, saying absolutely nothing, not even a thank you for the favor and you thought about it the whole way home. As you stepped through your door you pulled up the note he had written to text his number. Not even setting the candy down yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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