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Summary : y/n is a new student and xavier's temporary roommate
Warning : only fluff
a/n : my first attempt at a ffc so bear with me, constructive criticism accepted

Summary : y/n is a new student and xavier's temporary roommate Warning : only fluff a/n : my first attempt at a ffc so bear with me, constructive criticism accepted

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It was y/n's first day. You arrived some days after Wednesday with your parents wearing a very normal dress. Wednesday was already assigned a room with Enid so there wasn't room with anyone except there was a boy named Rowan who was expelled and so his roomie was alone, Xavier Thorpe. You were asked by Principal Weems if you were comfortable till necessary arrangements were made for a new room and you agreed. It wouldn't be much of a deal or so you thought.
Your luggage was dropped off in the room which was empty. It wasn't that great of a room but it was cool enough. It lacked colours. You saw an empty shelve and squealed with excitement to arrange your large stack of books. You did not realise someone already entered the room and was watching you.
'"A book nerd, huh?" Xavier said.
"Um, yes, hey, roomie....." you smiled at him.
"Need help setlling in?" That was polite, damn.
"Thanks, but I'll manage! So, what's your exceptionality?"
"You mean my ability?"
"In a simpler way, yes."
He gestured towards a sketchbook kept on the desk, it had a drawing of the stars in a night sky and they started twinkling just like the gif you use in your chat groups.
"That is so cool!" He smiled at your compliment.
You arranged your stuff in the cupboard and put on your nightdress and sat with a book on the desk. The next thing you know you woke up in your bed with the blankets on. Wait, did Xavier put you there? Most probably and you started blushing. He was sound asleep and so you got back to sleep too.

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