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Nova and Maddy were out for coffee before an event they were invited to that night

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Nova and Maddy were out for coffee before an event they were invited to that night.

"What dress are you wearing mads?" Nova asked

"Omg I'm so excited for everyone to see it, it's
light blue and it's gorgeous." The younger girl gushed over her dress.
"What are you wearing?"

"I'm wearing a light pink silky one, it's so pretty." Nova smiled big.

The two girls were now all ready for the premiere taking photos for Instagram.

Nova couldn't help but keep looking in the mirror, she felt like a princess.

"These heels are going to kill my feet." Maddy groaned.

"Here just wear your dunks, I'll wear my Jordan's so you're not alone."

Sure, it wasn't the most formal thing. But it was alot more practical for the two.

Shortly, they arrived at the event.

Photos were being taken everywhere and the two girls could barely see.

Until someone grabbed Novas arm and dragged her to the side.

She was met face to face with Mason.

She sighed.

Mason rolled his eyes.

"Wow, I help you out of a crowd and all you do is sigh?" He scoffed

"I'm sorry, thank you." Nova replied.

She felt like being nice today, she looked to pretty for her mood to be ruined.

"You look...."
"Good." He mumbled the last part and Nova couldn't hear it over all the noise.

"Sorry what was that last part?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Uhm, you don't look homeless today." He replied.

Nova heard exactly what he said before, but wasn't going to let him know that.

"Thanks Thames, I guess you look put together today too."

Before the two continue their awkward convo, Brady walked over, saving the two.

"Hey Novs, you look pretty." Brady smiled pulling her into a hug, then turning to Mason and dabbing him up.

"What's up man."

"Let's go, we can't be late for the food!" Brady exclaimed, dragging the two along with him.

Nova was talking with Walker, who she basically begged to come.

"Nova what happened between you and Mason anyways?"

"Just... stuff"

"But you used to gush over him all the time." He raised a brow.

"I know, he just wasn't what I expected." She sighed.

"Tell me what happened." His voice turned stern.

"No." She almost scoffed.

"Why not novs."

"Because it's stupid, it was all his fault."

The two's conversation got stopped by Miguel this time, telling them it's time to watch the premiere of whatever random event they were at.

Nova was dragged along w Madeline, bubbling with excitement and laughter till she saw where she was sitting.

Her face visibly dropped.

"No fucking way." Walker giggled, Nova slapping his arm for that.

"I'm not sitting there." Mason announced the second he saw Nova staring at the seat beside him.

"Too bad you don't have a choice." Walker said, shoving both the teens into their seats.

Nova grumbled.

"Stop moving so much" Mason sighed.

"My dress is too tight."

"That's ur own fault."

"Gosh, Mason why are you always such a prick." She raised her voice lightly.

"Oh I'm the prick?" Their voices continue to raise.

"Okay take it outside." Brady says forcibly grabbing the two and bringing them into the hallway.

"Look what you did Mason, you caused a scene." Nova continued, crossing her arms.

"Becuase you started raising your voice."

"Holy shit Mason get off my dick for once."

"You're the one who's hated me since the start
nova. What did I even do to you." Masons yelling at this point, and Nova has tears streaming down her face.

"What do you mean what did you do. Are you stupid? You fucking told ur friends all this shit about me and got me hated around my whole fucking town Mason."

"Wait what?" His voice turned soft.

"Nova I never did that."
"Why would I do that do you, I didn't even know you."

"Fuck you Mason." Nova stormed off, and Mason was left standing there awkwardly.

Anatomy, Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now