Chapter one

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 It was barely light outside as the train blew its whistle. You had slept the night at a hotel, for you had an appointment in London. You grab your suitcase and start to pack your night gown and face products. The clothes you had perfectly folded were crushed by the bottles, though you didn't seem to care since you were in a hurry. After gathering everything, you put your shoes on and trotted out the door.

"This is the last call for the Sumeret Express, Ladies and gentlemen," said the conductor. He blew the whistle once more and walked back inside the locomotive. 

You gave a young man your ticket as other assistances took your luggage. A smile perked up on your lips as you gave them a slight bow of appreciation. They nodded back and carried on with their job. The Train was very gorgeous, the inside was well furnished and clean, and the air was full of wonderful smells. You took another look around before heading to your cabin. 

You open a door to your cabin and settle down next to the window. Even though all you could see was a station, you could tell that the upcoming views of landscapes would be well seen. 

"Are you ready for your trip ma'am?" said a voice. You turn your head to see a woman with a snack crate, she started to pour some tea into a cup.  

You stood up and slightly bowed, "yes, I am." You replied, "I just hope the weather doesn't affect the course. I'm on a tight schedule." 

The woman smiled and handed you the tea, "I'm sure the weather will be just fine, and even if that occurs, the train will withstand it." she said reassuringly. 

Just as you were about to thank her, the whistle blew. "Thank you, ladies and Gentlemen, for choosing the Sumeret Express. If you need anything, please let your passenger assistant know, your needs will be fulfilled. Enjoy your ride." said the conductor, once again the whistle blew, and the train started to move.  

Your gaze turned from the window to the woman. You bowed and thanked her as she took her leave. Once she left, your eyes turned back to the outdoors. People waved to others and the kids raced the train. You noticed the window could open, so you did just that. The breeze felt subtle on your face as you leaned out. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, "Alright London, let's see what mystery you need solving." 

"Pardon?" said a man, the sudden voice made you jump and bonk your head, causing you to stumble and fall on the seat. The stranger hurried over to you, "I'm sorry, I should have knocked, are you alright?" he asked.

You swatted his hand away and groaned, "I'm fine, what do you want-," as you finally get a glance at the stranger, you suddenly stopped speaking. He was tall and had turquoise blue hair, his skin was pale and white, but his lips were a deep red. He was wearing a brown suit with black gloves, and his eyes, his eyes were calm and gentle, but somehow felt as if they were looking through you. He was also very close, so you blushed and stood up.

"Don't worry about me! It was just a bonk on the head," you awkwardly chuckled. "Is there anything I can do for you?" You asked. 

The gentleman lightly smiled and pointed behind him, "all of the cabins are full, would you mind if I stay here for the time being?" he asked, "I won't be a bother, I'll be quiet." 

You stare at him for a few seconds before letting out a small sigh, "stay as long as you need, it is a long trip after all." you replied. He bowed and thanked you as he took his jacket off and sat down. 

"what's your name?" He asked. You sat down and held up your tea. 

"Why should I tell you?" You playfully scoffed; you took a sip of your drink.

The stranger chuckled and sat up in his seat, "well, since we are going to be cabin buddies, might as well introduce ourselves." He spoke, "I'm Jesse, Jesse Anderson." He held out his hand.

You placed your tea on the table and shook his hand, "(Y/n) (L/n)." 

"(Y/n)," said Jesse, "nice to meet you, I look forward to your acquaintance." He smiled. Jesse leaned back into his seat and crossed his legs. He rested his arms on the head rest of the seat then gazed out of the window. 

You couldn't help but glance, he looked well rested and happy. At least my cabin partner is handsome, you thought to yourself. You shook your head then looked away, oh stop it, you shouldn't get yourself caught up with someone, you are on a mission. You sulk at yourself and bring your gaze back to Jesse. Oh well, at least I have company. 

A few moments pass of silence, you fiddled with your fingers to keep yourself focused. "So, you're going to London?" Jesse asked, his eyes met with yours, "are you visiting family? If you don't mind me asking." He spoke. 

"I'm actually a detective, and I was informed of a mission, and it so happens to be in London." You quickly replied, "That is all I can tell you." You stood up and walked to the door, "now if you will excuse me, I need to use the restroom." 

Jesse nodded and watched as you leave the cabin, "a detective?" he said to himself. His smile dropped as he looked out the window, "this will be fun." 

Hey guys! I haven't written anything in a long time, and this is also my first heh, bear with me! I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters and please give me any feedback about the wording and grammar. I can't wait to explore this story with you, and hopefully you will enjoy it! Thank you!

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