chap 1

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Reese was a normal girl, she went to school, played soccer, did just fine in school, and had lots of friends. But she knew the life she was living wasn't her true self, her boy friend did not satisfy her needs. Craig, her boyfriend was always nagging her about going out with his friends. Reese didn't want to get into any trouble she knew that his friends were no good.
"Please just this once baby girl, it's good to have some fun, besides you definitely need it!"
"No, you don't understand i have to get into princeton and smoking weed and stealing won't get me there. My parents would literally kill me!"
"Whatever, just makes you seem like more of a fag, should've gotten me a better girl fr. Not all for that gay shit tho might want to change it up before i dump you and move on"
Shoot maybe i am a fag gotta get me a girl fr one that loves me and treats me nice not like craig.
"I'm sooooooooooooooo done with craig, he treats me like crap and i just can't anymore" Reese said to Quinn

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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