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"oh god i'm sorry" alex said bumping into someone, making them drop all they were holding.

"it's alright don't worry about it" the mysterious person said as he collected his things from the floor.

"should probably actually look where i'm going" alex laughed.

the random guy looked at alex and laughed with him too. and for a second alex noticed that he recognised the guy.

"what is it?" the guy said. alex had been staring at him making funny faces trying to figure out where he knew him from.

"sorry, sorry you just look really familiar? have we met before?" alex said, moving his eyes off this guys face.

"um maybe? i'm george" the guy said, his name was george.

"oh that's right!! i'm alex, i think you know fraser right?" alex said.

"oh my god yeah that's right i do know you, or at least, i've seen you before" george giggled. alex gave a little laugh back.

"well sorry again" alex said partly waving goodbye to george.


alex was chilling watching shitty movies, it was a saturday night but he didn't really have anyone to go out with.

he got a message from someone, which was rare considering it was on instagram.

hey, sorry to bother you but tonight me & fraser are going out with our other mates james and will, wondering if you wanted to come along?

alex did think it was strange george would message him asking considering their only interaction had been alex making him drop everything he was holding. but he figured he didn't have much better to do.

yeah sure i'll come, where we going then?

planning on bar hopping tbh, probably go to a few clubs. come dressed to impress ;)

alex wasn't exactly sure how to respond to that, or what he meant by 'come dressed to impress'.

meet at my apartment in canary wharf, i'll send over the address later.

canary wharf? east londons a bomb site mate 🤣

east londons not a bomb site, it's a treasure chest, you'll see that tonight ;))


alex was getting ready, still figuring out what to wear that would fulfil george's needs of being 'dressed to impress'.

he figured he'd play it safe and just wear some black skinny jeans and a pink shirt.

here's the address, see you soon.

weirdly alex was nervous. probably because he hadn't met whoever james and will were before and him and fraser were hardly close enough to be going on a night out, and the only time he'd met george was a shit show. but you have to make new friends somehow right?

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