Can't start the new year without you

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It was late, well not really but their usual shift would've had to end about two hours and a half ago, paperwork from their last case took more than expected but Gibbs wasn't going to keep them in the office on Friday night when it was New Year's Eve and it wasn't anything that couldn't wait to be finished on Monday "You three go home, get some rest and enjoy the new year coming" he said without looking away from his computer screen. Mcgee was the first one to stand up from his desk and Ellie and Nick followed right after, the three young agents were getting ready to leave when Jack leaned against the handrail on the top of the stairs, she looked down at the team before anyone could notice she was there but of course Gibbs noticed her immediately when she arrived. He could feel it every time she was up there observing them, he looked up for just a second and gave her a small and tender smile before going back to his paperwork. Jack walked down the stairs andwalked in front of the bullpen but was stopped in her track by one of the younger agents in the room "Hey Jack" Ellie was the first one to greet her "Hey guys, finally going home?" She asked trying to concentrate on the three agents in front of her even if her eyes started searching for the so comforting and safe blue ones she so much loved "Yeah, hard day, hectic week. Gonna hit the gym before going out to celebrate New Year's Eve" Nick said and jerked his backpack over his shoulder "Sounds like a good plan, Nick. How about the rest of you?" Jack asked but she was too tired to even care about parties and celebrations but she cared about them so that's why she asked "I'm just going home, play with the twins and spend some time with Delilah before the kids start crying because of the fireworks" Mcgee said smiling, he always loved talking about his family, he then picked up his things and walked around his desk "And how about you Ellie?" Ellie thought about it for a second before replying, she wasn't sure yet about what she wanted to do "Honestly I don't know, I was invited to a friend's house for a party night, she said she wanted to introduce me to some guy but I don't know if I'm going, for now I just want to go home and relax" she then replied and ignored the look Nick gave her "How about you, Jack?" Mcgee asked gently and she smiled slightly "Well, I think I'll just go home and relax" "Wow, that's lame. Didn't think you were this boring, Jack" Nick said "Hey!" She wasn't really offended but still calling her boring didn't really make any sense, the word 'boring' didn't really apply to her. After saying their good-night to the two older agents Mcgee, Torres and Bishop went home to get ready for their evening plans. Gibbs turned off his computer and but his gun and badge in his drawer, Jack didn't wait for him, she said her good-night with the rest of the team and was ready to go home but as she was waiting for the elevator to arrive Gibbs appeared behind her, she fought the urge to lean back against him and when the elevator doors opened she got in. He followed her into the elevator and hit the emergency button to stop it, she looked at him questioningly he looked back at her with a small smile, he took her in, she was exhausted but still as beautiful as always, her hair was tied in a messy bun, her blouse a little wrinkled as well as her pencil skirt, her eyes looked sleepy and her skin was slightly pale, everything in her screamed that she was tired but she looked extremely beautiful to him. He took her hand in his and rubbed his thumb on her knuckles "I was thinking" he started "Hm?" She felt her shoulders relax when he started his soothing movements on her knuckles with his thumb and she was too tired to give him a proper response "How about I drive you home? You look worn out and I'd feel better if you'd let me take you home" he said softly, she smiled at his softness and concern to know that she'd go home safe and in one piece, she nodded slightly but he caught it, she then got closer to him and hugged him. As he felt her arms wrapped around his waist, he wrapped her up in his arms gently stroking her back. She felt so safe in his arms and wasn't ready to let go, she felt her heart skip a beat when soft lips pressed a kiss on the top of her head "Want to come over later? I mean if you don't have any plans" he asked gently as he moved a strand of hair from her face. She smiled and hugged him a little tighter "Want to come over now, but only if you'll have me" she said quietly, he smiled slightly "Of course, you're always welcomed whenever you want to come over, Jack" he said and flipped the switch to make the elevator move again but kept hugging her.
When the elevator arrived at the right floor they got out hand in hand and got into his truck. The seat bench of the truck was well accepted in fact Jack spent the whole drive close to Gibbs and laying her head on his shoulder, he glanced at her a few times during their ride but after he parked his truck in his driveway he waited for her to move her head. She didn't move, she was too comfortable or too sleepy to do so, Gibbs gently lifted her head from his shoulder, the whining sound that came from her in complaint of the shifted position only made him chuckle slightly "Jack, we're here. Time to get inside" he said gently "mkay" she mumbled and he got out of the car to go to her side, he opened the door and helped her out of the truck, she smiled slightly at his chivalry and went inside with him.
They got in and she took off her shoes only to leave them by the door with his, he helped her take her coat off and she went to sit on the couch in the living room. He kicked off his shoes and hung both their coats by the door, he then went in the living room and started a fire in the fireplace then he went in the kitchen and started preparing dinner. She looked around and after some time she went in the kitchen, the second she walked in he looked at her with a slight smile "Need any help?" She asked sleepily "You really sure you can cook in those conditions?" He replied with a smirk on his face "Don't be an ass" she said and went close to him "I'm not, and you're the one who almost fell asleep in the car" he stated and kept cooking "See? The key word there is almost " she said and smiled slightly when he chuckled a little, he didn't know what to reply so he accepted her presence and let her help him with the dinner.
Once dinner was ready they put some food in two plates and sat at the dining room table enjoying their meal and talking about anything they had in mind. They laughed and joked around while teasing one another like a real couple, once they were done eating they put everything away and Jack insisted to help with the dishes as well and he let her do so, after that they settled on the couch in front of the fireplace.
They were cuddling on the couch under a blanket he laid down to cover the two of them as the crackling of the fire burning in the fireplace was the only sound filling the room, they didn't need to talk, the silence between them was comforting so neither of them felt the need to break it.
Jack felt so safe and loved in his arms while cuddling with him that the world could have ended there and then and she wouldn't cared, the sound of his heartbeat pounding rhythmically in his chest some soothed her enough to let her abandon herself to sleep, he held her tighter in his arms wishing that their night would've never ended or at least to wake up like that in the morning. He smiled at the sight of Jack sleeping, she had a small smile on her lips, her hair still in a messy bun, she looked so relaxed and comfortable that he wondered what it'd be to see her like that every night, to her to fit perfectly (like she already did) in his space and make it theirs. He moved a strand of hair from her face and caressed her cheek gently, he then hugged her tighter and kissed her on the forehead, he let his lips stay on it as he inhaled as much of her perfume as he could. Even if the scent of her perfume was almost gone he could still smell the sweetness of it and, oh boy, it was intoxicating.
After a few hours Jack woke up just to find Gibbs' face so close to hers, she fought the urge to kiss him and smiled at him instead, he was so lost in their little moment, they're happy bubble and God knows how many years it'd been since he felt like that, if her ever felt like that because with her everything seemed so new yet so comfortable and as if they've been together their whole life, she felt like home and it felt so nice to attribute the word 'home ' to a person and not a place. She was immediately lost in his eyes and couldn't stop smiling, she caresses his cheek and wished time could just stand still to make this moment last forever. The moment was so intense between that the words slipped out of his mouth so casually "I love you" he said and when he realized what he had said he looked like a deer caught in headlights, she just smiled and kissed him. He kissed her back, it was soft and tender, a kiss that meant everything, it meant I love you, I need you and I won't let go of you. When they parted she caressed his cheek "I love you too" he smiled slightly, hell it felt so good to hear those words coming out her mouth, the moment felt so good and they haven't realized how late it was. She took his hand and lifted it up, she turned his watch for her to see what the time was and in that second the watch stroke midnight "Happy New Year, Jethro" she said softly "Happy New Year, Jack" he replied as softly and the fireworks went off the second they kissed again.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, it means a lot <3
Happy New Year everyone 🥳💕

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