ch. 5

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THE HUNTRESS hummed and took a look around, feeling the hairs behind her neck rising. She could sense someone staring at her, but couldn't sense someone nearby. She took her bow and an arrow, slowly inching towards her window to check if someone was there...

     Removing the curtains, "Oh! It's a bouvreuil (finch)..." She sighed in relief, seeing the said creature hanging in her window seal. The finch's small eyes turned purple before flying away, surprising the huntress, "Did I scare it?" She asked herself, disappointed...

However, she couldn't find the culprit behind the menacing stare she was receiving. The air within her room started to thicken as her child's crib slowly rocked itself alone. Her instincts immediately kicked in, rushing towards the baby. Her vision he was sucking was glowing brightly, sparks of electricity were seen...

      "Merde (fuck)..." She cursed, stealing the vision away from her child's harm.

A pair of purple eyes stared back from her vision, startling the huntress. Then it was gone, the eyes seen on her vision disappeared at last. The air returned to its usual scent and the crib stopped rocking itself alone, Epel's light snoring was heard once again...

     Her eyes darted back to her vision, seemingly suspicious towards it before placing it on her bedside table, "... What an unusual scene..." She murmured. "Bonsoir, bébé. Mama's gonna go to sleep," she whispered to her child and placed herself under her bedsheets.

THE FEELING OF HER BODY BEING CONTROLLED was something she didn't expect to experience, bound by something more powerful than her. She opened her eyes to be met by those same purple eyes she saw from the finch and vision. She wasn't in the room where she resides in the Schoenheit household, but a domain-like area surrounded her...

     "Hello, my little huntress." Her perpetrator greeted her and she wasn't mistaken about who this woman was. "You're very attractive up close. Only I could see you through the use of my finches," she chuckled.

     "Raiden Shogun...?" (Name) asked, confused. She knows what the Raiden Shogun looks like and her eye shape wasn't similar to the Raiden in front of her. "Attendez (wait)... Raiden Ei?"

     Ei smiled, "You're a wise and observant female, my little huntress... Goodness, I never thought you'll figure out who I am," she said in satisfaction before playing with a strand of (Name)'s hair. "This is why I adore you from afar. You've perked my interest the first time you obtained your vision."

The Electro Archon placed the controlled body of the huntress around her arms, brushing her (h/c) hair as if she were a delicate doll. Ei has been eyeing (Name) for a while, watching her every move in a non-threatening way to avoid suspicion. Because of her strong will and cautious attitude, the epitome of the electro element couldn't attack the assassin's weak spot to control her...

     "Do tell me how you know who I am, hm?" Ei favored, caressing the captured (Name)'s body. "... You won't tell me, my little huntress? Come on now, I don't want to hurt your consciousness... This is a warning, my love. Just tell me how did you know," she whispered as her lips brushed to the neck of the captured prey.

     "... Non..."

(Name) screamed when she felt her body being electrocuted by Ei, completely helpless like the unarmed huntress she is. The pain was unbearable as tears started to cascade through her eyes and her fingers tried to clutch something to relieve her body...

     "Now, my huntress, that's your warning..." Ei told her, raising (Name)'s chin. She wiped the tears visible from her cheeks, "I've told you I don't want to hurt your delicate consciousness, but you left me no choice. Don't be shy now... I want to hear how you knew about my identity and the Shogun... It's only us two in the Plane of Euthymia..."

     "Your Grace... I couldn't possibly..."

     Ei's patience was thinning and harshly grip (Name)'s chin, "Be a good girl and you won't receive something more painful..." Her soft voice turned into something malicious, terrifying even. "You're at my mercy, so you don't stand a choice against me."

As much as (Name) loved the Electro Archon for bestowing her element to someone like her, she couldn't see herself awing at the same person she once idolized in her younger days. Yes, Ei's beauty was intoxicating like a rose full of thorns that'll prick you...

     "Vil Schoenheit's Intel you say, my lovely huntress?" Ei repeated, amazed by a mortal's feat. "To think someone will know the Shogun is a mere puppet I made. I know he also has the same element as yours," she stated.

She felt being played by the very Archon who possesses the element as hers, disgusted her reputation as a huntress was failing. Then again, her strength is nowhere near her perpetrator since she's only human while the purple-headed woman was a Goddess. Her body, bound by the ruthless strings tied to the Goddess's fingers, felt numb...

     "What's wrong, (Name) love? Aren't you glad seeing the same goddess you worship?" The Archon before her asked, her palms caressing the huntress's hips. "I still remember your young self willing to meet me... Here I am, my dear. Alive and well in front of you," she remarked.

     "I don't know what to say, Your Grace..." (Name) stammered her usual composed self dissolving.

Ei was amused that a young (h/c) haired girl was praying for her blessings, meaning the prayers (Name) once made were delivered. The Archon adored the little girl and would gladly send blessings in exchange, but it stopped once (Name) turned into a young adolescent. Due to being a scholar in Akademiya, her daily praying to the Almighty Raiden Ei vanished and it made the Archon angry from the huntress's lack of tolerance...

     "I don't know what made me run back to you despite not praying to me anymore, (Name)..." Ei whispered. She placed a gentle kiss on her prey's cheeks, "I've always imagined my devoted follower between my arms and at my mercy... This is the haven I've been wishing to seek... I couldn't let you escape from me anymore—"

     "AH!" A sharp pain stung (Name)'s arm, blood started to prickle from her fair skin. This wasn't Ei's doing, but someone else near her body was at fault.

     "THAT DARNED SCHOENHEIT!" Ei yelled before her beloved (Name)'s consciousness returned to her rightful body.

     ONCE SHE RETURNED TO HER BODY IN A JOLT, Vil and Neige were standing inside her room, "OH THANK THE HYDRO ARCHON! (NAME), WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" Vil asked, removing the knife he used to stab her. "You weren't responding to us earlier."

     "Mercí, Roi de Poisons... Mercí," the huntress murmured before taking a breath. "I couldn't explain what has happened, but... The Raiden Ei has taken my consciousness for the time being."



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