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Mark Williams.

Lorain Andrews.

Rebecca Williams.


Cop 1 & 2.


[]TW: Strong Language, Sexual Choice of words.

{20 Years earlier}

"Oh sweet face. I can't wait to marry you one day. We will live in a beautiful home and have so many children. Ah, I can't wait..." Lorain Andrews  screamed as she traced her finger down the jawline of a sleeping  Mark Williams. Lets talk about these "Lovebirds".

Mark Williams is a 29 year old White male who's had the childhood of growing up in a broken home. He never saw a reason in his life to keep going on with his dreams. He was different from the rest of the young boys of his age. He was quite shy, quiet, Kind, Generous, gentle and a very sweet young boy but the only thing that kept him going, was his mother and later on, Lorain.

Lorain is a 31 year old White female who grew up in a luxury childhood,always got everything she wanted, or so, she thought. The day she saw Mark Williams bump into her at the school dance, she knew he was the only thing she wanted and she would get him.


{Present}  POV: Mark Williams. 29 Black haired, brown eyes Male.

Walking home on a Friday Afternoon always feels relaxing, knowing the weekend arrives to kick back and relax for a while before the week of work, stress and loud noises ruin your mood.' As I unlock my house door, I smell the sweet scent of caffein filling the air. My sister Rebecca always makes me coffee before she leaves for her trips, and leaves a note on how to make her special coffee. I remove my black coat and slowly rub the back of my neck, work is a bitch these days because it's year start. 2023 really isn't working for your back when everyone rushes to get home on the weekend to spend with their families.

I've been alone for 4 years after my girlfriend Lorain took her own life with a bullet to the mouth. Left a note and died in cold blood right next to it, how funny. She planned out life together even if we only dated for 3 weeks. Its funny how people can change when you least expect, but we don't need to focus on her, I made my life without her and love is the thing I do not need right now, all I need is a cup of coffee, a book, and a view of the rainy weather at the close minutes of the sun setting.

I decided I need a shower, its not good if you don't shower after a long day at work, for me I find it as a stress reliever after putting tense on the back of your neck. I get into the shower, not too hot or cold. Just perfect.

After the shower I sit down on the couch, the week made me get to my limit so I'm happy it's the weekend. Time to relax.


That's what I thought.

As I was busy minding my business, reading and listening to music, I hear a knock on the door, I don't know who would knock at 9 pm in the night with rain and thunderstorms, but it would be rude to not answer, so I get up and I walk to the door, as I open it I see a postman.

His clothes are pouring wet and his expressions are the emotions of exhaustion, sore, sorrow and pain, he looks like he hasn't slept for days or even saw a ghost, his hands are trembling and he's holding his bag close to the left side of his chest, he reaches inside the moment I start talking.

"Hey, why are you working so late? It's pouring and u probably don't need to work right now" I tell him. He looks at me and gives me an envelope. "For Mark Williams, I'm guessing you're him, have a good night sir" he said and walked back to his car getting more wet from. the rain. I can't help but wonder why he looked so scared or even so worried when he saw who I was.

I shake it off and I close the door locking it, i walk back to the couch and I sit down, swaying the envelope back and forth in my left hand, what was in it and who was it from.

I open it.

As I start to read it my body goes frozen,my heart gets stuck in my throat and my legs start shaking, this note, this handwriting, those words. 


"Hello sweet face..Oh how I've missed you my sweet baby..Don't worry my love, soon we will be together, I know I was away for so so long, but oh, I can't stop thinking of your face, God that cute fucking face of yours. That sexy damn muscular body of yours. My hands around your neck while your plead like the fucking sensitive bitch you are. I miss having you on my bed while I touch the parts of you that make you go weak. My sensitive sweetheart. God u fucking turn me on so much. Fuck writing this letter makes me want to do things to you. But hey, don't worry my sweet..Im on my way, you can't run from me..

Sincerely, Your love Lorain ❤️"

My heart skipped a beat, how can she write me a letter, she's been dead for 4 years, if this is a prank someone pulled it's not funny. I get up and I put the letter away, my body is so tense I don't think I can be able to stay awake the rest of the night, so I decided to go to bed, clear my head, cause this is surely a prank.

A prank someone thought was funny.


I get in bed and just close my eyes, all I need is rest, nothing is going on, all I need is a nights rest to relax. Ive been working a lot so maybe I'm imagining things that aren't real, but now, I need to sleep, Lorain is dead, the postman probably did it on purpose.

She's dead. She has to be.


Boom yay I'm alive people.

Enjoy this book or not I really don't care 

im gonna continue it anyway 

well enjoy and have a great 2023 y'all 

Love my 8 followers, keep is going darlings


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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