Sky. Chapter 1.

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A New Worlds story

NOTE: Some wording and spelling may be different and seem grammatically incorrect. Most of the time this is due to how the characters speak (Slang, feelings, and overall realistic talking) Thank you and enjoy the story. 

By [Ȅ̷͓̲r̛͖͕͍̳̦̱̣̈ͥ̔̑r̵͈̭̺̣̗̿o̮̻͕͔͍̱̱͚̽ͣ̔͟r̐̉ͣ̂͏̫̰͖ ]

Brought to you by Gender Dysphoria, a wild imagination, dreams, and more. Enjoy! :D

Sorry if stuff doesn't flow too well at times, I was still new to actual writing at the time of making this.

(Disclaimer: I originally wrote this on Google Slides with Different Colours for different characters and other cool slides stuff, so some stuff might not be as clear as in the slides.)

Chapter 0. Wonder

Ever look up at the night sky, seeing all the stars and picturing yourself out there in the cosmos? Ever look up at the blue Sky and imagine what it'd be like to fly above the distant clouds without any problems and glide through the wind? A lot of people have. You're not the only one, Wanderer. You're not the only one who wonders what awaits us beyond our life filled planet. Earth IS the only known life source however, or... is it?

When the world is steady and the night sky is heavy, don't run away from the stars, Chase them.

Chapter 1. New Worlds

I awake in a bed, opening my eyes as a flood of thoughts and questions race into my mind. A ceiling not at all familiar to me.. I look around sleepily as I realize I'm NOT in my room. There's a girl sitting on a bed on the other side of the room, the room is pink and white and blue and all different colours, but mostly pink and yellow on the Girl's side of the room... who.. Is she?

The Girl turns around to face me and grunts. "So you're FINALLY awake?"
I stare at her and squint, quietly letting out a "Whaaa-?". This Girl gets up and yanks me out of bed "YOU SLEPT IN. WE HAVE LIKE 5 MINUTES TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL" I look at her with a disappointed look "They have school in the afterlife? Aww man I must be in hell.." She looks at me with an extremely confused look and replies with "Hell? Are you stupid? Did you hit your head in your sleep? This isn't the afterlife dummy." I look at her with a look of relief and ask "Where am I then? And- who are you?" she stands up and begins to walk out into a hallway "Oh my Fate, you are literally going to make me look smart around you if you keep this up. Get up and get ready for school."

I stand up. "Uhh... I don't know who you are and I don't know where I am. Can you tell me what's going on before you rush me to a school?" she looks at me with a confused yet worried face
"What are you talking about? Did you hit your head? Or is this a prank?"
"I DON'T KNOW. I JUST- Well- where are we? Is this just a coma? Did I not actually die?" she turns around and looks at me "You WHAT?" I look at her and sit back down on what I'm assuming is my bed "Oh, yeah. Random person, I died, I died and then I woke up here. Or did I? Maybe this is all a coma or something"
She facepalms and groans
"You didn't die, you idiot, you went to bed and woke up. You must've had a dream" I rub my eyes
"Must've been one hell of a dream then..." I say while yawning, she looks at me before turning around "Ugh, just get ready for school. We have like 2 minutes till we gotta go." She begins walking towards some stairs just around a corner in the hallway.
I stretch and look at her as she slowly disappears from my vision. "Ok..?"

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