Ch 1 : the beginning

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Jim awoke to the sound of an alarm beeping, it worked.. "It worked!"

He stood up and looked around the room, no cradles, or babies to be seen. He had most definitely gone all the way back to the beginning. But something was off... then it hit him- most literally. The reforged amulet was sitting at his feet after it had smacked him in the face.


Other than the reforged amulet still being there everything went just as planned. He auditioned for romeo and got the part, he sent Toby to the canals, everything was going to plan like he had hoped.

He sat on his bed staring at his phone waiting for a call from toby. Almost exactly three hours ago blinky and AAARRRGGHH!! Would've confronted toby. Or at least that was around the time they showed up at Jim's house in the previous timeline.

Jim ended up calling Toby.

"Hey did you find anything in the canals?"

"No? Just a pile of rocks?"

Something was wrong.


A car parked just next to the canals

Strickler walked down the canal wall and towards the remains of kanjigar. Bular was already there waiting for him.

"It's been taken," he said flatly "you failed. You let it go. Your father will be displeased." he put an emphasis on the last word.

Bular almost immediately responded in a slightly defensive tone "whoever holds the Amulet of Merlin, I shall destroy him, just as I have done with every. Single. One of them."

"Worry not, you brute. I will find it. In due time." he said that last part bitterly


Meanwhile earlier that morning as Eli was watching the odd stone creatures fight beneath the canal too mesmerized and shocked to take a photo, he watched as the rougher and what he assumed to be evil troll growled as the other fell to the ground and shattered quite literally. Eli almost gasped as the other troll retreated to the shadows. And just as Eli was turning around he heard a deep and clear voice call his name "ELIJAH PEPPERJACK" as he turned back around towards the canals he could see a blue light emitting from the shattered creature..


In short? Everything was going terribly.

Toby didn't have the amulet and Jim had no idea who could possibly have it. He doesn't remember anyone else using the canals. Nobody other than people that use a car travel even go near the canals.

Jim had been sitting in the backyard for about 30 minutes after he had called Toby. He really hoped the amulet hadn't gone to Draal again, he knew how that would end and it wasn't good.

Who could it be? Probably not a troll, possibly another student at Arcadia Oaks? Man, would that make his life easier, definitely not Steve he's usually late to school anyways and definitely would have made a scene about it, and anyone else would ignore a talking pile of rubble, right?


That same night Eli was currently attempting to take apart the amulet with a screwdriver (it wasn't working) there had to be a speaker or something in there. Right? This had been going on for a good 30 minutes before Eli heard something in the basement.

If Eli wasn't home alone he wouldn't have checked- however him being home alone is a very rare occasion, so he grabbed one of the brooms from the kitchen and went downstairs only to find what any normal person would assume to be a nightmare. And unfortunately Eli was a normal person so he did what any normal person would do, scream at the top of his lungs.

Right before his head hit the wall of the basement he heard "MASTER ELIJAH" and then he blacked out.


When he awoke there were two stone creatures towering over him still blurry considering his glasses had fallen off when he passed out. But as he grabbed his glasses and opened his eyes he could clearly see what just moments ago appeared as blue and gray blobs were actually quite different from the ones in the canals earlier that morning, one had four arms and six eyes and the other was large with green moss-like fur.

Eli's thought process was ended quite abruptly by "Master Elijah, you have been chosen, the amulet of daylight has challenged you to ascend to the most sacred of offices."

The larger of the creatures interrupts with "Orifices? What orifices"

"offices, it means responsibility" said the blue one as they continued "unbeknownst to your kind, there is a secret world, a vast civilization of trolls lurking beneath your very feet, hidden from view."

So that's what they were trolls. "Trolls?" Eli asked surprisingly without hesitation.

"Trolls. Yes, trolls. And it is now your charge to protect them. For you, Master Elijah, are the Trollhunter."

And now Elijah Leslie Pepperjack is out cold. Again.

"Is that a yes?"


When Eli woke up he was still in the basement. "Dang it.. it wasn't a dream" quickly followed up with "and I never got their names.." because now that the traumatic event was over and he was thinking about it, it was actually pretty cool. Just like those fantasy video games he played.

When he emerged from the basement it was already early morning but thankfully his mother was still asleep and therefore not going to yell at him for (accidentally) sleeping in the basement. So he grabbed the amulet and went on with his day.


While the new trollhunter was off doing whatever they do all day Jim was busy trying to figure out who the current trollhunter is. He ended up getting so distracted he ended up cutting his finger with his knife and not the tomatoes. That's when he noticed that the tip of his index finger was ever so slightly tainted blue. And the only thing Jim could think of to say was "oh, fuzzbuckets."

Authors note: I apologize for any grammatical mistakes or plot holes considering this is my first attempt at writing a story in general and I don't have a beta reader of any sorts. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I'll attempt to continue it
Edit : this is also technically my writing assignment for school so it'll constantly be changing but hopefully have the same base plot

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