It Takes A Village To Raise A Child

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USM Sam, this takes place in the USM universe but if you've watched Marvel Rising, those characters might cross over because they tend to already exist within the universe.

shoutout to kats_nerdy_art on insta for helping with this story!

Sam Alexander wasn't quite sure how he landed in this position. He went from being purely hopelessly single to a single dad in like five minutes. He was only 20, for crying out loud! He'd been working for/with SHIELD for a couple of years but nothing like this ever happened. There was some girl just left in his room on the Helicarrier.

"This is the worst timing ever." He sighed.

The kid looked normal enough but really, awfully young. Maybe three years old? It could (sorta) walk and talk and it could do things but it couldn't take care of itself. Should he be calling a kid 'it'? Did he even know what the kid was?? And why did he have to discover the kid? Everyone else he knew was on a mission. Ava or Danny would be much better at taking care of a child.

"So, do you have a name?" Sam asked, but he might as well have been talking to air.

They were both in his SHIELD room, decorated with music posters and intergalactic maps and spaceship blueprints. Sam sat on his bed, unsure what to do really. Models of planets hung from his ceiling, the kid was trying to reach for them.

"Do you have a name?" Sam repeated.

"Jesse! My name is Jesse!" The child grinned, jumping onto Sam's lap.

"Well, that's ironic." Then his brain had an idea. A strange one, he wasn't sure how one person would react but he'd best try it.

He lifted the child with ease because this kid was light even without super strength. But the kid was scarily light. But the kid didn't look malnourished or anything. He powered on his computer and started to call someone. Two someones actually. May Parker and Eva Alexander. If they could deal with him, they could help him with the kid.

"I need to pee." The kid proudly proclaimed as the two women logged on.

"Well, that's already enough to get me hooked." May laughed heartily.

"Sam, is Ava there with you? Because I think the girl needs to go." Eva helped a little bit more.

"No, she's on a mission." He groaned.

"Daddy, I need to pee." She repeated.

"NOT-Not your dad!" He exclaimed in alarm.

"Daddy." The girl insisted, poking Sam.

"No-okay, let's just go find someone who can take you to the bathroom."

He got up, the kid still refusing to let go. She hung on like a monkey. Did she genuinely think he was her dad? Why? Maybe she looked a little like him. Okay, now he was going crazy. He peered out the door, holding Jesse close to his chest. And he saw a familiar face.

"Kamala!" He yelled, maybe a bit too excited, "Kamala, I need your help."

"Sure, Sam, what's up?"

He wasn't as close with her as he was with his Classic Team but he still knew her enough. He stepped out of his room fully, Jesse now squirming with impatience. He held Jesse out at arms length.

"I need you to take her to the bathroom. She needs to pee."

Every SHIELD recruit, trainee and agent knew not to question any members of the Classic Team, so Kamala took the kid to the bathroom. Sam ran back into his room and transferred the call onto his phone, not knowing why he felt so protective over this girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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